Summer 2023 (Jul-Sept) Dish of the Quarter - NOMINATIONS

Hey HOs! Summer is upon us - time for a new dish of the quarter! Nominate your summeriest ideas in ALL CAPS below. Personally, I’m looking forward to tomatoes off the vine and all the basil I can find! I’ll leave nominations open until Friday, June 30. Thanks, HOs!

A post was merged into an existing topic: What’s for Dinner #94 - the White Rabbit Edition - June 2023

SALAD DRESSINGS and what the hell with this complete sentence stuff still?

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Went back to last noms to remind myself (and kick in the pants to make some more Deviled Eggs!)


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I nominate GAZPACHO.

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I am down with SALSA.

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ASIAN NOODLES is a good call. Do you mean Asian noodle dishes, making your own noodles from scratch, or both?

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Asian noodle dishes, but whoever wants to make the noodle component from scratch certainly could!

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Great summer ideas - now I’m craving ceviche!

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I can never get enough!

I’m on board with GAZPACHO.

Voting thread is up - thanks for nominating! Summer 2023 (Jul-Sept) Dish of the Quarter - VOTING