Summer 2018 (July-Sept) Cuisine of the Quarter - NOMINATIONS

Hey HOs! It’s that time of year again - we’re ready for a new Cuisine of the Quarter! We build a raised bed area in our yard last fall for vegetable gardening, so I’m looking forward to a summer full of home grown tomatoes, peppers, herbs and more (if the squirrels don’t get all of it first!). What are your best ideas for taking advantage of summer’s bounty? I’ll leave nominations open until Friday and we’ll go from there!

ETA: I decided to post the voting thread on Thursday instead of Friday due to the upcoming July 4 holiday. Let’s get those votes in!

How about vegetarian cuisine? Does that count or are you thinking a country’s cuisine?

Cuisine of the Quarter has traditionally been a broad thread focused on the cuisine of a given country or region, hopefully to encourage deeper discussion of ingredients of the region, sourcing, cookbooks/authors, travel experiences, restaurants, etc. Past cuisines have included Malaysian, German, Moroccan, Spanish, etc. Certainly vegetarian dishes from a given region can be part of the discussion, but the aim of COTQ is a bit broader!

Do you by any chance have a list of cuisines that have already been selected?

2017: Spanish, Vietnamese, Moroccan, Malaysian
2018: German

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We used to have Dish of the Month (DOTM) with themes like Chicken and Rice, Grilling / Smoking, Asparagus etc. I think it will be interesting with vegetarian dishes. @Bookwich if she wants to give it a try again. Although I think it will be nice to make it to a bi-monthly event, I think.


This post only appears pinned (stays on the top) in the cooking discussions board listing page, but not on the homepage. Weird…

Thanks! How about Chinese or Thai?


CHINESE and THAI are our first nominations! Any other suggestions?

I think that’s just the way the software works - @sck, can you confirm? It would be great to have it pinned on the homepage but I’m not sure it’s possible.

Middle America. Picnics , barbecue , potlucks , eating outside on a hot summer eve .

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Either of these 2 cuisines looks good, maybe slight preference for Chinese, since I would like to try making dumplings… But Thai is fine, there is the David Thompson cookbook that I would like to start using.

I must say Chinese is an exceptionally broad cuisine. Its one country, but the food is as varied there as in continental Europe.

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Another nomination for MIDDLE AMERICAN cuisine. This could be a really fascinating topic to explore!

Do you think it would be better to focus on just one regional style of Chinese cookery rather than the entire country? If so, care to nominate a region? :smiley:

Very true, I thought about narrowing it down to say, Sichuan, but wasn’t sure if that would be too constraining. I have a couple of cookbooks - Stir Frying to the Sky’s Edge by Grace Young as well as Fuschia Dunlop’s Land of Plenty and Every Grain of Rice. I’d like to dive more into those, and I’m not sure they’re limited to a specific region.

MIDDLE AMERICA has my vote, especially if we include olden-days recipes, like tomato aspic. How fun would that be? :slight_smile:

I am less enthused, lol

I am also not enthused about Chinese or thai . Lol. :wink: