Sugar snap peas

I pick 1-3 servings for 4-6 weeks and want to make the most of it. This usually means going Little Red Hen and not sharing, and something close to raw in a salad.

So I found this Sugar Snap Peas with Soffrito, Hot Pepper and Mint, and am noticing the 2143 ratings, but no reviews.

What’s up with that? I know; I’m not getting that Little Red Hen (doing my share) with reviews.

I like some of these

Sugar Snap Pea Salad-trying this one tonight.

Fresh Sugar Snap Pea Salad

Epicurious snap pea salad

Food and Wine 7 best pea salads-nay.


@lindawhit and @Ttrockwood a sugar snap pea search pulls up your names a LOT!


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I don’t have any imagination when it comes to sugar snap peas. Usually just steam them or use in stir-fries.

The partner doesn’t particularly like them but I found a way… finely shred the peas and mix them well in pasta with crispy fried Speck (something like smoked bacon where you are). Top with lots of grated pecorino.

If you have surplus you could try pickling.

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Me too. But I like your pasta idea - also another way of using up the last couple slices of speck or whatever ham is around. Mrs H likes speck, etc, but only when it’s cooked. Thanks.

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I do love them! And this post is a reminder I bought a package this past weekend and I should use them!

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Inspired idea! My husband worked with a man from Bologna, Italy, who gave us a recipe for pasta with speck. His prep sounds like a cousin to your recipe.

Dried orecchiette is the best pasta shape for this. Diced speck, shelled unsalted peanuts (raw are best), baby arugula or chopped mature arugula, and Parmesan are the other ingredients. Olive oil and butter with splashes of pasta cooking water coat the pasta.

Cook orecchiette until al dente. in a large sauté pan, cook the diced speck In a little olive oil until it reaches your desired level of crispness. Note: I’m careful about this step because in the US at least, the speck I can buy can become dry and hard quickly. I’m just trying to render the speck slightly until its fat becomes translucent. (If the speck renders excess fat, remove everything from the pan and use tongs to wipe out the pan with a paper towel before proceeding.)

If you wiped the pan clean, add more olive oil before proceeding. Then add the shelled peanuts to the pan and toss them quickly with the speck. Return the pasta and some cooking water to the pan, so that nothing sticks or burns. Reduce the liquid as needed over low heat. Add a bit more olive oil, as necessary, then stir through the arugula until it’s as wilted as you like but still bright green. Turn off the heat and add a dab of butter and stir though finely grated cheese. Microplaned cheese gives the perfect texture.

Enjoy immediately with more grated cheese and fresh ground black pepper at the table.

Pecorino is also nice with this instead of Parmesan. Sometimes I use fresh or thawed frozen peas in place of the peanuts. And I’ll bet that slivered snap peas would be wonderful, too.


For me, sugar snaps explain why I garden. I think you just can’t replace growing some things. There are other things, but this is one of them.
I’m taking what I’ve grown for granted right now, but it’s typically gone by June.


Wow! No 2021 pictures.

Obviously a bad year, for more than one reason, but I still had sugar snaps.

I fear the 2022 season is soon coming to a close for me, but I have these favas and sugar snaps parboiled and ready for a salad I hope will last a few days.


I like these IG recipes.
BC also has a snap pea salad with Manchego cheese from her Modern Comfort Food Cookbook.

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Thank you all.

I am checking those out. In the meantime, many recipes want fresh mint, and I have none, but I have this dried mint from Turkey that folks from Turkey seem to use. I’m not sure how. Son and daughter in law are away.

Any place for it in a fresh pea salad ?

I might try to repurpose some sour cream horse radish dressing from a smoked sable fish salad.

I would use preferably fresh mint for the salad if at all possible.
If you choose to use the dried mint then I would incorporate it in the dressing. Let the dressing sit overnight before you toss it in/on the salad the next day.


Shrinkrap, interesting read thanks for posting.
Often paired lamb with mint jelly.
Going to try the meatballs and mint.
I’m sure that my boys will like it as they enjoyed the Korean Fusion Burgers that I made.

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My pleasure @Olunia . I’m wondering if DIL uses it for tea.

Here’s how the pea salad is looking about now. Added some sour cream and horseradish dressing. The pink is shallots. Dried :pensive:. Plus I added a bit of chopped preserved lemon.

I’m going to sit on my hands and not add anything more.

In a pyrex bowl that I’ve had so long I have no idea where I got it.


Looks Good @shrinkrap,
Taste it then decide if you want to add anything else.
Possibly an oil and vinegar or perhaps a sprinkling of cheese?

I’d love to add some Israeli feta or similar. Then that’s it! Nothing else. Hopefully there will be more sugar snaps, but it’s getting hot up in here.


First sugar snaps of the season…that made it into the house.

Some of them were past eating the pods so I shelled them


Is it just me, or did your vacation go really fast?? Your peas are lovely and your garden looks beautiful though.