Subbing Tepache for hard cider

I wanted to try this recipe

…in my Römertopf, as described here

and I couldn’t find apple cider at my local Lucky’s market.

What might I expect if I used some tepache I made instead? I’ve had it in the fridge for quite awhile, and last time I tried it, it was much closer to hard cider than vinegar. I might add some apple juice for sweetness.

I found this

I think you’ll be fine.

The cider is cooked off in that recipe anyway.

At worst, your pork may be a bit sweet, but then pork (of all the hooved animals) takes well to sweet undertones, i.e., peaches and pork.


How could a supermarket in California not have any hard cider in the year 2024?
I never liked Lucky anyway.


It’s where I go for the basics, and the occasional “find”. For example, they had some great looking “country style ribs” on sale! I think… :thinking: Just noticed that plum sauce is included. Now that’s a bargain!

It had something labeled “cider apple juice”, and a four pack of Martinelli sparkling cider.

I wasn’t sure (I’m still not) which pork recipe I’d try, and didn’t want to buy something I would have to try to find a way to use up.

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You didn’t look in the alcohol section?


Recipe says sparkling alcoholic or non-alcoholic — you’d have been fine with the Martinelli’s I’m guessing.


Thanks all! Looks like only one vote in favor of trying the tepache. But none actually against, so…

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Looks like I won’t be using the tepache.

Smells (and tastes :shushing_face:) pretty good! Oh well.


Can you check if you can just lift that off and keep what’s below?

I lifted it off before I tasted. I’ve been researching what’s ok on a fermented beverage, and it’s not looking promising.

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I’m just here to thank you for using the pröper Ümläüt :wink: :pray:


Most folks do not know where to find the “special Characters” including myself.
On my phone I have a German/English Keyboard so easy there.

I copied and pasted :shushing_face:


If you hold down any letter key, a little tab with options pops up, which you can either choose by its number or by moving the mouse over it (at least on my MacBook Air). Similar on iphones (minus the mouse, natch), but no clue what (if any) solution droids provide :woman_shrugging:

Funny story: one summer in Berlin, my laptop died & I had to purchase a new one while there. It naturally came with a German keyboard, which I hadn’t used in well over a decade.

Every time I wanted to write “YAY” I actually typed “ZAZ.” Which is what we now say when we mean ‘yay.’ :smile:

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ZaSu Pitts approves


N`őţ æçłűə are some of the options on an android. ZAZ!

How about drawing a line through a word? A "strike through ".

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Hmmm. I think I can do it in Word, but here? Outta my league.


That is true on Android devices also.
I was saying that the special Characters my Desktop are not easy to access.