Steaming fish filet directly on rice w/o cooker (i.e. on stovetop)

I generally cook rice in a covered pot on the lowest setting for 35 to 40 minutes (after reaching boil) and I’ve added pre-cooked shellfish/shrimp before at the very end, when its just sittting covered on the stovetop, but I wonder if its possible to add an uncooked filet of cod or halibut to the pot (resting gently on top of the rice) in the final 20 minutes or so to steam? Has anyone tried this before and if so, do you have any tips?

That will absolutely work. Consider drizzling ranch, or another creamy style salad dressing, over the raw fish for extra flavor and juiciness.

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Thanks for confirming! It seemed like it should work but I didn’t want to screw up dinner tonight :slight_smile:

I’ll probably flavor with shallots, ginger, scallions and maybe a dash of soy


I have tried with precooked shrimp on rice cooked in a cast iron pot oven for the last 5- 10 minutes, it worked fine. I think fish works with stove, depending on thickness, maybe the result is pearly cooked if the piece is very thick, perfect if you like it this way. Too thin filets will be over cooked, so need adjustments for sure.

The Japanese cook book I have, one recipe is to cook a whole fish on raw rice and broth. Another recipes with smaller pieces, all the recipes propose to cook rice at the same time as fish.

Let us know your result.


I’ve done this a few times, and it works well. I sprinkle the fish with a little chopped ginger & garlic, and maybe a splash of sesame oil.

All I would add is that my cook-times are half yours:

1 measure rice, 2 measures salted boiling water. Simmer very low, covered, for 10 minutes. Lay fish fillet on rice, re-cover, simmer for 5 minutes. Turn off heat & leave for 5 minutes. All the water will have been absorbed, so no draining is involved.


I tend to use chicken or vegetable stock (sometimes coconut milk if prepping Thai style) with minced onions/shallots instead of tap water, and from experimenting in the kitchen, the extra cooking time (which allows for all liquid to be absorbed) generally results in more flavorful rice imo. I also do the middle finger second joint measure for hitting the right ratios. Anyhow, I didn’t make it to the market in time the other day so I’m gonna try steaming the fish this weekend and will report back! Good to know it only takes about 5-10 min for a thin fillet though. I was planning to throw it on in the final 5 min. of simmering and then letting it it rest and continue steaming and infusing the pot on the stove for 10 min. with the burner off.