Spring onion greens Overload !

I have great access to fresh spring onions at the markets at the moment. Some varieties have long and abundant greens attached. Love them on everything but wondering how I can preserve them or use them in greater quantities? I already make yummy ginger scallion oil… Any ideas ?


Last year, we bought a jar of pickled spring onions from a farm shop. They’d been trimmed in length to the height of the jar. And very tasty too - different from normal pickled onions. A quick Google brings up a number of pickling recipes for them.


I love steaming a nice piece of salmon atop a generous bed of scallion greens in the MW. The fish is sauced with a mix of soy sauce, rice vinegar, oyster sauce, and your choice of hot sauce.

Nuke until MR, splash with hot oil, add a little more sauce, eat. The scallions become wonderfully tender and delicious.

That meal can be made and inhaled in under 30 min :wink:


Make chimichurri with it

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My first thought was a spring onion/scallion pesto with pistachios and parsley. I like the idea of charring the onions before using for a smoky flavor.

Here’s one with a Thai bent.


Another vote for pickling. I use the Serious Eats recipe for pickling scallions. The results have been terrific.


With a bounty of spring onions, I would definitely make green onion pancakes!


Very freezable as well.
Also Korean Style Scallion Pancakes also freezable.


Pretty much every weekend I roast a big tray of veggies to clean out the bins. Scallions/leeks/spring onions are all good additions, just add a bit later than more sturdy veggies so that they don’t overcook. Most recent batch: Onions, halved mini bells, small cauliflower florets, asparagus, green garlic, chickpeas.


I have this same “problem” because they grow very readily in my garden, and early spring is always a time when they are ready for harvesting the first crop.

A few ideas:

  • Scallion pancakes Very easy to make - just flour, a bit of oil, salt, and fresh scallions. These are so much better than the ones at restaurants (especially ones that are fried). With patience when you are adept at making them thin but flaky, they are delicious.

  • Ginger-scallion sauce. So good on noodles, poached chicken, any chicken…slice your green onions, dice or grate your fresh ginger root and put both into a heat proof bowl. Add salt to taste (this condiment should be salty but not unbearably so) Heat up enough light oil to cover your until it starts to smoke, and pour this over the fresh sliced green onions and ginger. Let it cool! Drizzle over food. Some variations can include a touch of soy sauce or a bit of chicken bullion to amp up the flavor.

  • Vietnamese scallion oil - similar in concept to Chinese ginger scallion sauce, but no ginger. Slice green onions, heat up oil, pour over the scallions. Letting these sit to draw out the scallion flavor makes this more flavorful. Brush over meats, especially Vietnamese grilled pork chops.

  • Scallion-cilantro-garlic - I do this at home, almost like having this as a condiment. Dice up scallions, cilantro and fresh garlic (to whatever tastes good to you). I throw this on top of all sorts of noodle dishes, whether it’s with soup or it’s stir-fried, after the noodle is cooked. Just adds a freshness and a bit of garlicky bite to whatever you’re eating.

  • Chinese style steamed whole fish - whatever fish you want. Slice a whole bunch of green onion slivers, along with ginger slivers, and place this on top of the freshly steamed fish on a plate. Drizzle Take a hot oil, soy sauce (if you prefer, there is seafood soy sauce specifically for something like this) and ladle the hot oil directly over the fish and the scallion and ginger slivers.


A possibility would be “negiyaki”, the cabbage-free and IMHO simpler version of okonomiyaki. I often made them when I wasn’t in the mood for cabbage either because I didn’t want to chop cabbage or had a lot of spring onions to use up.


Korean Green Onion Kimchi, Pa-kimchi


Ginger scallion sauce for me, always. You can vary the flavor by slightly changing the methodology and the ingredients.

Cook the onions down a bit with the ginger in the oil (instead of scalding) and it will last for much longer. Char them a bit and the flavor changes. Add some chilli flakes or fresh chillies. Customizable.


(post deleted by author)

(Sorry, meant to reply to OP.)

In some Asian countries (Taiwan, China, Korea) I “ate*” a few things with lots of spring onion greens in them. (*took one bite but the partner ate the rest. I won’t knowingly go near this vegetable.)

  • Dumplings
  • Flat bread (“pancakes”)
  • Steamed buns/bread

In Vietnam they brush scorched green onion oil on corn on the cob.


Wow, I’ve got my work cut out for me ! Tons of great ideas here. I’ve never been happy with my Scallion Pancake recipes, so will try that one again ! And cooking meat or fish on a bed of the greens could certainly use up alot and end up like silky cooked greens. Thank you all :grinning:


Another idea would be prasopita or Kaku Sabzi.

Or spring onion instead of cabbage in a spring onion- cannon (instead of colcannon).

How far up the green do you guys use the greens? Right to the end?


I cut off about 1/2 inch of the end of the greens, more if I’ve kept mine a little too long and they are looking a big ragged. Use all the rest.

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Thank you!

Do you have a tried and true recipe, ricepad? Scallion pancakes are one of my favorite things.


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