Silliness (2018 Thread)

Re “lobster game”, how much do you have to insert per “game”?

For you posh picnic. But it’s safer to transport a small bottle in your bag.

Efficiency level…?

Lucky buyer who got 1 free pizza. Should contain only 2 in the box.

So this is where the $1 “rib eye steaks” are sold. I have posted the thawed version of this “steak” before. Mostly water.

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That is one thirsty young lady!

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Looks like Yakult probiotic drink. But daily dosage is just 1, isn’t it? I dunno. I eat yogurt and Sauerkraut, and kimchi instead.

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:nauseated_face: So that’s like eating a 48-oz tub of yogurt in one sitting? My belly would be very unhappy.

Yeah! :nauseated_face:

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It’s been a few years but the game was either $10 or $20 and you got three tries, if you succeeded the restaurant cooked and served it for free.

More chance of winning at a casino then.

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This barbie meat dress thing is trendy these days. Keep seeing it.

Satisfies my inner perfectionist.

What kind of restaurant is this? :exploding_head:

I can live with the smell and regular cleaning of the water cooler.


I’m so glad that Barbie meat dress isn’t trending in my area . . . it’s creepy.

But the wine dispenser is brilliant!

Who produces gummies in those color? I am interested… I love my gummies.

Sck, probably an American company. I have never seen other than standard colours in European gummies.

Another one.

Living with roomates who steal.

Lock for your Nutella.

A ciggie with your coke.

Vodka with Skittle flavours. Calorie and sugar bombs.

The OCD side of me loves the circular gummy bean design. These look like the bears sold in the bulk bins at Sprouts. So good – much better than Haribo.

Say no more! That’s an addiction I can’t shake. I am the guy who buys a bag and then finishes it before it gets home.


I saw them at Home Goods about a month ago DH wanted them, they are packaged in a white foil bag that has pictures/photos of the various flavors and shapes on it. Cherry, pineapple, grape, raspberry … they look better than they taste and the texture was a little weird, softer than Swedish fish. Sorry I don’t remember the brand name.

Coke with a ciggie again.

Hahah… not for me.

Beautiful symmetry.

Like seeing your face every day at breakfast?

Rare lobster.

I know someone who would LOVE the selfie toaster!!!

“I’m only having one drink at the holiday party”

  • Three hours later *

That’s hysterical.

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That’s funny. In India ( Varanasi I think) I came across a place that did various breakfasts. American breakfast with hash browns, Israeli breakfast with hummus etc. The French breakfast was croissant, black coffee and a cigarette.

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