Silliness and Food Funnies for 2024

Never seen them either!

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I’d give that a try, especially if they are sour dills


I have been googling recipes. Some people use roast beef or corned beef, some people add horseradish to the cream cheese.

Then I found fried bacon-wrapped pickles.
A Molly Yeh take

Also, the cheese-wrapped pickle.



I really like this idea…

About a month ago, I had set up a ladder as I was trimming my big mesquite tree (with a chainsaw). And everyone who walked by (walking their dog) wanted to stop and make “small talk”. I really don’t like to talk when I’m operating power equipment. As I age, I’ve noticed that I need to really concentrate on the job at hand.

Next year when I do this “big trim”, I’m going to make up a sign that says…

Yes, I’m trimming the tree.
No, I’m not a landscaper you can hire to trim your tree.
Please respect the fact that I’m working with power equipment and need to concentrate on what I am doing.


While I get your point, I think these are two entirely different situations.

The barista ‘chose’ a job where they need to interact with the public, where at least a modicum of (even fake) politeness is generally expected.

You trimming your tree while other peeps can’t just MTOB? Totally agree.

HO HO, HOs :wink:


Concentration is key, right?

When I work outdoors, I wear overalls and a brimmed hat for protection from ticks and sun. This summer I made the mistake of wearing my garden gear to pick up a few ears of corn from the farm stand down the road. A woman who rolled up in her SUV became increasingly displeased when I did not wait on her. Didn’t occur to me that she assumed I worked there (never mind that she didn’t ask, and it’s a roadside stand often on the honor system). The overalls stay home now. :laughing:


YES!! It’s quite easy for a chainsaw to get away from you when you are standing on a ladder.

Moreover, I’ll be the first to admit, that as I have aged my reaction time has slowed down a bit.

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Next-level stuff! Requires100% focus for sure.

I’m forever insisting to my husband and 86 y/o neighbor that being up on a ladder is a buddy-system job. That is, I want someone nearby in case of emergency. And in my neighbor’s case, I may have finally broken through that we can be called upon for tasks that require a ladder.

They’re probably tired of hearing my ladder-safety schtick but they love me anyway. (I think.)


Funny, unless you’re on the receiving end of the joke or the parent of someone on the receiving end.




It’s too bad there’s a limit to adding videos here. Cats reeking havoc on xmas trees abound.

So here’s a few links :wink:


I feel this.

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Love it!

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My local fish store, Aquabest, having some fun on their IG today.


Ooo…love chimpogai

What does that mean???

Well…the proper name in Japanese is ‘mirugai’, and IIRC, most sushi bars in the US call it either ‘giant clam’ - because it’s pretty big - or ‘horseneck clam’ - again, in reference to the size of the siphon. Chimpogai is a name that is also anatomical in nature, but NSFW. Back in my itamae days, that’s what we’d call it when we didn’t have any Japanese speaking customers, much like when my Chinese grandfather taught his caucasian customers in his grocery store that the way to get ‘ground beef’ in Chinese was to ask for “ngow see”, so my mom and her sisters would laugh like crazy when they’d come in and ask for a pound of cow shit.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sushi bar call it a geoduck.

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