Silliness and Food Funnies for 2024

Isn’t it too early for morels?


Love it! I can see the kid’s in church having a contest.

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Ummmm, I recall my parents paying $23,000 for our first home, a nice split-level ranch style in eastern Queens, NY, in 1951. Just checked Zillow and it’s estimated to be worth $1,370,000. In the last 30 days it’s value estimate went up as much as the original purchase price.



Marvelous April Fool!

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This came up in the NYT Flashback history quiz.



My daughters would be royally P-O’d.


Reminds me of when I was in a coffee house in Silver Lake, a “hip” area of LA. From the table I was seated at, I saw someone familiar looking to me come in. I just looked at the man for no more than a seconds and immediately was given what my father would have referred to ask “if looks could kill, I’d be 6 feet under” look. The man who gave me that look was the late Philip Seymour Hoffman. Yes, he was a fabulous actor, but I truly didn’t appreciate being given that look.


Houses that cost $30, 000 Cdn in Ontario, Canada in 1970 are selling for $1 000 000 Cdn right now.

3 years in a row, for 4 Tuesdays in March, I took a cooking class with a Canadian actor named Colm Feore, who is a pretty big deal here, and he’s been a character actor in the States. I was starstruck the first time I was in the class. Smartphones were new then, and I snapped a quick photo of him with my a BlackBerry. You are wouldn’t believe the face he pulled.

It turns out, he is a nice man. I made a point to try not to look at actors too much when I see them out, and definitely ask permission if I’m going to take a photo.

I have met a couple famous people over the years who were really rude when I met them at various events. I’m pretty sure when they are rude, it’s because they treat people they perceive to be nobodies badly, whereas they put their energy into buttering up people who might be useful to them. I rather know what people are like, so it’s always interesting to see who treats regular people badly.

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I don’t approach famous people in public let alone talk to them unless it’s at an event where that’s the purpose of it. But getting such a look from anyone just for glancing at them is just unacceptable to me.



TBH he could’ve just been having a shit day (happens to the best of us :wink:) and had RBF. I doubt his glance had anything to do with you personally, and wouldn’t read too much into it.

It’s kind of pointless to overthink a random stranger’s feelings or thoughts at any moment in time, and they’ll rarely - if ever - be about you.



PSH wasn’t well. He was unwell for most of his life.

Usually, when people give looks to people they don’t know, it’s more about them or what they’re going through.

Try not to take it personally.

I’m sorry that happened to you. I also bet that was what he was like towards many people. Because he was not well.

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