Shop Rite Supermarkets (Shrewsbury NJ)

WOW. Disgusting. And WOW. While I don’t doubt that the guys working in the meat department don’t think things smell as bad as we might, that was the WRONG. ANSWER.

I don’t have the issues with Shop Rite that you do, but I go to the one in Neptune, and I still think their prices are good, esp on household goods, and all the more so with the sales (just one example–Melitta coffee is often $2.99 on sale, regularly $4.99). That said, I don’t buy a lot in any grocery store that isn’t produce/meat, and I’ve never been able to do my regular shopping in Whole Foods; I don’t care what the quality is–those are insane prices, imo. I do run to Wegmans specifically for a couple of items that SR doesn’t carry (like bagged Tuscan kale and cauliflower, which is currently HALF the price of SR, which stunned me).


I don’t hate Shop Rite, but I definitely feel disgruntled when I leave there. Just read my Lidl post and you will see why when it comes to price comparisons.

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I am always in awe of the people who have their entire carts filled at Whole Foods. I want to stalk them and find out what they do for work.


Easy, they must work to keep the WF/Prime fee in check😊


Nice steak selection:


Come and get it…


how the hell did I miss that- was just there twenty min ago- with prob half of the Peninsula…just missed a mini Ho-Down I guess…got sidetracked by the rotisserie chicken and the Bottom round roast on sale instead…


A friend in NJ just got a subscription, on her daughters recommendation. Her daughter receives the box for 4, my friend is ordering for 2, so half the amount that is shown in the photo below which is her daughters order. Box for 2 is $19.99 plus $4.50 flat shipping


My wife signed up and has been very happy with the deliveries and produce.


Thx, I’m thinking about it. There is no shortage of nearby farms but last years growing season was disastrous … we really took a beating with our CSA share.

I was concerned about the ripeness factor. Mishapen, “ugly” not always critical but if the avocados arrive too ripe, what good is it? So, I was happy that my wife hasn’t complained about that.

No shortage of produce options in our area. My wife was interested because while I’m on the road and she’s working, the produce shopping suffers. This pkg. for two covers plenty each week.

Plus it’s good to find a use for produce rejected in other shopping pipelines.

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Agree with everything you mentioned above, my friends daughter has had no issues at all as well

My friend received her first delivery for 2, she said she can’t believe these are considered misfits.


Agreed–that all looks great to me!


That does look great.

I’m interested in trying this as well. I like the idea of not knowing what you are going to get at any given point in time. Makes me be creative. I used to have a CSA that delivered locally but no more and I can’t commit to being to pick up on a regular basis given my ever changing work schedule. This may be the perfect alternative.


WOW. That is for 2?! I think this might have tipped me to trying it. Thanks for posting.


Funny you mention it, but I just started a subscription service myself. Just send me $ 19.99 per week and you will never know what you are going to get at any given point in time. Could be a box of beautiful vegetables could be misc. lego pieces.

Sign up today!!!


Me too. I used to get half share from Purple Dragon. I bailed because the product was often beyond ugly–it was rotten.

The produce stores (like the one next to Pho Da Nang) are also cheap, and their eggs are local.

Do you have a referral code? I’m thinking of getting one for Passover.