Salad of little gem, red leaf, spinach, red onion, radish, avocado, mushrooms and St.Agur bleu, ranch dressing.
Looks great
Another recipe adapted from July cooking class. Pickled red onion and feta over yellow watermelon and spinach. Drizzled dressing of White wine vinaigrette with dried mint. The yellow watermelon was a happy accident. Fridge doesn’t have room for a whole one, there were no pink watermelon quarter-cuts available when I shopped and the yellow was half the price of sliced or cubed pink. Pickled red onions need to be made 1 hour to 1 week ahead. Recipe is below. .
Pickled red onion recipe Vinnies Pickled Onions from class by Joan and David Donatelle
1 C. rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar
1 C. cold water
¼ C. sugar
1 each – bay leaf, clove, cinnamon stick, star anise
2 large red onions, thinly sliced (“on a mandoline”) I use knife and a steady hand
1 large red onion is plenty for us. Still use the same amount of liquid and spices.
In a medium bowl/lidded container, mix the vinegar, water, sugar and stir until sugar dissolves. Add spices. Stir in the onions. Transfer to lidded jar if preferred. Close lid tightly and chill at least 1 hour and for up to 1 month. Best for this salad to use onions made within 1 week, while onions are still crunchy.
A few salads from our get-together last night
3-bean salad
Broccoli salad with bacon & red onion
Maters, cukes, onions
Pesto pasta salad
And MOAR salad (making up for the rest of ya slackerz). A BAS one at that: sunny crisp lettuce, radish, celery, cuke, flavor bomb tomatoes, avocado, all tossed in a zippy mustard dressing with fresh parsley, and topped with pan-fried KOS & charred scallions
Sorry - king oyster shrooms.
Caprese spinach salad - chopped fresh spinach, halved grape tomatoes, cubed fresh mozzarella. With 1:1 balsamic vinegar/olive oil dressing, sprinkled with dried basil… Looking at @PedroPero photo, I should have added some of those pickled onions from the fridge. Next time.
The various versions of what people call salads, amazes me. Has anyone here tried the snickers bar salad with apples & marshmallows? Think it’s held together by Cool Whip lol. I did make it once to go with a dinner I delivered to some picky eater friends. They may have liked it but we didn’t. But the reviews were extremely positive, SMH!
I’ve always wanted to make Snickers Salad, but I haven’t made it yet.
I like Strawberry Pretzel Salad.
I’ve made Ambrosia, Watergate, lime jello cream cheese whip-type salads, and many Waldorfs!
Last night’s dinner with the usual suspects.
Italian tuna, romaine, tomatoes, pickled vegetables, Kalamata olives and PARM/REGG.
I’ve never actually had the pretzel strawberry jello salad, but it’s always intrigued me actually & think the salt from pretzels would play well in the crust. My SIL makes a Xmas salad that’s pretty fab - the kind you don’t mind that kind of leaks into your potatoes & gravy kind of good. Has cranberry-rasp layer, lime layer w/something, chopped pecans, cream cheese and sour cream. Yum.
I think the apple salad would be acceptable with really crisp, fresh tart apples, but version I made didn’t do it for me. I’d probably layer acidulated honey crisp apples in a dish, drizzle with caramel sauce, nuts and grated chocolate, add homemade whipped cream & call it dessert!
That Honeycrisp variation sounds good.
The Pittsburgh strawberry pretzel salad is essentially no bake cheesecake with a pretzel crust.