RIP Chowhound

So they SAID March 21st - but yanked it 3 days early. Why - because so many people were trying to save much of the content, or directing people to HO or FTC? :::smh::: Even with the change in ownership, I guess nothing changed from 2015.

Farewell CH. So many of us can say “we knew you when”. Thanks for being there for so many years. Your last owner was not worthy. Sorry you had to have such an undignified death.


It’s working this morning. :slight_smile: Hoping the posters on the Spain and Portugal Boards join us.


They took off the homepage offline.
Yes, the last chance, to save stuff… in the sub forums…if you have the links…


Discovered that as well, @naf. Click Communities - no good. Click on a specific link in one of the Communities, such as What’s For Dinner, you get all threads under that grouping.

If you love some of your old posts, maybe consider doing a cut and paste, to keep a conversation going over here. Maybe make a few revisions as needed.

I might have done that with a recent post :slight_smile:

But I think those sub boards won’t stay… if they notice a lot of traffic.

Or maybe it’s time to test if this thing works…


Its wonky, but its still there. Doesn’t like to load threads with lots of activity (like the Farewell thread).

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Thanks - my main contributions on CH before I left in 2015 were the Top Chef recaps (up through the Boston season) and the WFD threads. I believe I have the recaps saved somewhere. If I don’t…oh well. :woman_shrugging:

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Are they still active? if they are , maybe we can post a note inviting them over saying the French contingent moved?

I left some replies inviting posters on some recently active posts on the Spain, Portugal and Italy boards .

Absolutely, the more invitations, the more likely interested people might join us.

I signed off Chowhound today, with a Ciao!

Ciao, Chowhound! :it:


Ciao Chow!! That should become the HO’s “Official” salutation!! Ciao-Chow!!


And getting wonkier. I’m reminded of the end of Flowers for Algernon, when the narrator starts losing all the knowledge he gained.


All too apt

Did Chowhound pull the plug early? “Bad gateway.” I was expecting that on Monday, but not today…

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Yes, they pulled the plug yesterday.

Some boards and threads are still working, but it’s wonky.

There was a recent announcement that CH will now shut down on March 28th, to give people more time to archive their posts, but I got a bad gateway when I tried to find that new post.

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To anyone avoiding CH because of its ridiculous recent buggy-ness, it seems to be working well at (checks watch) 7:42 EDT. In case you want to hop in and grab anything during this probably brief window of usability.


Thanks for the tip. When we returned from dinner, I managed to get on and open up the various threads I wanted to re-read &/or copy. Went quickly.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.


Felt that their SoCal posts were really good but other areas of the country can be lighter.

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