Repro Antique George Jones Strawberry Server

Cookware seemed to be the category for this, even though it isn’t really cookware. If there is a better category, please tell me. I am NOT interested in buying it- just had never seen one of these before, ever.
I happened across this online.

It is described as a Reproduction George Jones Strawberry Server. The originals seem to date from the 1870s and originals of George Jones items sold for thousands of dollars. Looking at this one, is it missing bowls? If not, how did it work? just as a cute server, or did you put the unhulled strawberry in the bucket looking thing upside down to remove the hull, and then drop the strawberry in the bottom part that is semi-flat?? Did you drop the hull in the bucket?Any body familiar wiith how this would have worked? Did sugar go in one bowl and cream in the other?

First pic is the REPRO. Is it missing bowls?

This pic is similar but not exact-an ORIGINAL from the 1870s. It seems to be intact and sold for just under $3000.

Thank you!! I am asking out of curiousity because this is new to me.

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I think the repro is just a not-well-executed repro with small bowls

The bowls look small. Will I need one for each diner? Will it work for other berries? Wow, talk about an arcane piece!


Wow! Who knew the singer of “He Stopped Loving Her Today” and “Still Doing Time” made ceramics…

Sorry, I know, my bad. But it was just too good to resist.

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