Plant milks / juice, do you like them?

I just realized I hadn’t responded to the people who answered my question.

Thank you for the different points of view. It’s always good to broaden horizons.

Our every week day breakfast is 1/4 cup of dry rolled oats, 1/4 cup of almond milk, walnuts , strawberries and blueberries

We splurge on the weekends with eggs

I have no issues with the almond milk. My BIL got a large supply of soy milk from his job and gave us about a half a dozen cartons. I found it more viscous and it had a lot more additives

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Fun fact: .pea protein so closely mimics cows milk that many folks who are lactose intolerant cant tolerate pea milk, either …

Really? Learn something new every day. I just like my peas fresh as possible. Peas are the perfect crop for rotating.

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Bizarrely (and happily) I can sconsune as many whole green peas as my little heart desires. (For the curious, I can eat beef, too)

Good thing. can’t imagine a pot pie without them.