Pigs in a blanket

The same name has been applied to at least three or more dishes, all involving a pork sausage (or pork-ish sausage-ish thing) with some other food surrounding it. I guess it depends where you’re from.

(As far as I’m aware, no one yet has wrapped an actual pig in an actual expanse of wool and placed it over the coals, but you never know…)

EDIT: The three versions I know of:

  1. Yours, a sausage wrapped in bacon
  2. A sausage wrapped in a pancake
  3. (May just be a substitute for #2, but seems to be the one under discussion) A hot dog wiener wrapped in instant canned puff pastry
    (And yes, you CAN taste the mono- and di-glycerides and BHA and BHT, but in return you get your PIB PDQ.) :grin:
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Thanks David. You learn something new every day!