Picky Eater Thoughts

You are aware that blood sugar levels in case of hypoglycemia are quite different (absolute snd timewise) than in case of a non-diabetic who might be hungry. You are mixing two things (and possible symptoms) which have nothing to do with each other.

I’m not mixing anything - I’m quoting the article @sck linked to and your response to it about meltdowns having nothing to do with hypoglycemia - vs what the article actually says.

That’s not to say hypoglycemia explains all bad behavior, but it’s not invalid as a possible explanation. And hunger and hypoglycemia are not the same.

Hypoglycemia is a condition created through diabetes (and in more rare cases certain medications, pregnancy and excess amount of alcohols. ) It is often defined as blood sugar levels below 70 mg/dL for an extended period of time. These levels aren’t easily reached by healthy (hungry) individuals (including kids) especially not for an extended period of time. Hypoglycemia is a serious medical condition whereas crankiness of kids isn’t a medical condition and has nothing to do with hypoglycemia (just because a kid has one of the symptoms of a disease doesn’t mean he has this disease - and nowhere in the link above the text connects hypoglycemia to hungry kids)

This is circular in addition to being off-topic, so let’s leave it.


I think it’s also very helpful to expose little ones to a VERY wide variety of food before they reach school age and get exposed to the negative culinary attitudes of their schoolmates.

Having grown up in the Southwest US, I don’t mind green chiles in my mac & cheese, or basil or tarragon, either, but other than that I’m probably a pain-in-the-arse purist about it. Other than that I’m not picky at all, for the most part.