PHILLY HO Meetup at the SEA Market on SEPT 8 [Philadelphia]

Looking forward as well! Weather looks perfect for an outdoor eating outing :slight_smile:

I did not make it to the market last Sunday, since our move was delayed by a day.

As for a meeting location, maybe peeps who’ve been there before can make a suggestion? Is there an entrance of sorts, or a good spot to assemble?

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There is a large pavilion at the park that might be an easy place to meet. Also a Swedish Museum that might be less crowded. But maybe someone else has a better option.

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I’ve never been there before but based on the market location map, how about at the eastern end of the parking lot? In the blue circle below:

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We’ll be SEPTA’ing it, but happy to meet wherever seems reasonable/easy.

When we were there in June there was an entrance with flags nearby - I think where I circled. Of course the market moved to their summer location and so too may have the entrance. @tcamp’s suggestion looks good.

For reference, you will be entering the park from the top right corner of these maps if you arrive via the subway

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Thank you, that’s helpful! My dood is a big Flyers fan (yeah, I know — but it could be worse… he could be an Iggles fan :smile:), so we’ve been down there. Mostly after dark, though, so I never noticed a park, just massive parking lots.

I’m confident we’ll all find each other :slight_smile:

So… 12pm at the entrance of the market?

:exploding_head: :eagle: :eagle: :eagle: :eagle: :eagle: :eagle:

Hey now. I have zero horses in this race, as I am not much of a sportsing* fan :wink:

BUT my dood couldn’t resist picking up a shirt on our last visit here in December, sold by a very loud and funny guy near Liberty Place. I believe the print said “The Eagles fucking suck this year” or some such. We found it highly amusing.

FWIW, he’s a Giants fan, which has been rather depressing these last few years. I keep telling him to pick a different team to root for, but apparently, that’s not how that works :laughing:

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No, unfortunately it’s not. And believe me, I’ve lived through way too many seasons of sucking Eagles. (But as long as the Cowboys aren’t winning it’s all good :wink:

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Everyone seems to at least agree on that, regardless of whom they root for :wink:

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Entrance sounds fine to me but note that the market now is in a different location then that circled by MsBean. See the blue circle below for current market location. I suspect that there are multiple entrances. Could we agree that we’ll look for the entrance nearest the parking lot? Or eastern-most? We’ll be on foot but can amble over to whichever entrance is chosen.

Fine by me. Is the easternmost entrance the top right of the circle, or the bottom left?

Sorry, I am directionally challenged & also don’t know where the parking lot is :grimacing:

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LOL. I’m a map geek.

Skinny gray rectangle is the parking area, where the circled P is. Easternmost entrance (I’m guessing) would be at the upper right side of my BLUE circle along that yellow path. Let’s choose that one!

I am also not shy about walking around yelling “HUNGRY ONIONS OVER HERE” although my son would vanish if I did that


Oh, you mean where it says P for PARKING? :rofl: (why is there no facepalm emoji???) And the market is along that lot? Top side?

Love that. I had suggested a brightly colored umbrella, but I think we just might manage to find one another :wink:

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:person_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

:person_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:


Too late for this but could use HO teeshirts or ball caps.


Ok. Maybe I should finish my second cuppa before I continue to embarrass myself bahaha.


HO MERCH! :star_struck: :partying_face:

You should suggest that to TPTB @sck

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Gotta be either red onions or no onions!! :rofl: