Pecan Pie recipe

My Pecan Pie is as follows: From an old Louisiana cookbook.

3 eggs
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. Caro syrup
1/2 c. molasses
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 Tbsp. Butter
1 c. chopped pecans
1 c. pecan halves

A little bit too rich for us, so I’m thinking about this one from Pioneer Woman. What do you think? Or your favorite recipe.?


I use the pecan pie recipe from the joy of cooking except I substitute Cane syrup in place of corn Syrup. I also substitute Myers ram for the vanilla… Makes a much different pie that doesn’t have the gooey sticky feel of corn syrup

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Add bourbon to whatever recipe you use.

Roast your pecans for 10 minutes before using in the filling.


Definitely toast the nuts.

Bourbon goes in the pumpkin pie. :wink: Dark rum plays the same flavors with the cane sugar.

(Al-Aga is a good sub if you cant find pure cane syrup)

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Corn syrup AND molasses? That can be overpowering.

If you have access to How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman, the recipe for Pecan Pie contains neither. The eggs are gently cooked with the sugar to make a custard-like filling which is then mixed with toasted nuts. Sweet, but not overwhelmingly so. And the texture is so much better than the syrup-laden one. I’ve made this a few times and it’s my current favorite.

I found a link to a site that reposted it.

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I have the secret Stella Parks (Bravetart) recipe for pecan pie. It is apparently so difficult that she wouldn’t publish it on either Serious Eats or in her book. I haven’t attempted it yet but one of these days I will. These days I’m torturing myself with Tosi’s stuff.

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“ Just as Stella and her cookbook editors had decided, we, too, felt we couldn’t publish the recipe in good faith given the high failure rate and the fact that we can’t offer the level of one-on-one support needed. We also didn’t want to see the recipe get dragged by bad reviews that blame the recipe (it’s always so easy to blame the recipe).”

I couldn’t take much more of this video.

Decided on the Karo syrup recipe. Toasted the pecans (thank you!) cut back the sugar to 3/4 c. and added 2 Tbsp. molasses, minus the cup of corn syrup. Store bought pie crust. Between the toasted pecans and molasses, not too sweet. Very good and a definite repeat.