
Oops! Red Haven, not O’Henry


the owners of an apple orchard about an hour north of Indy occasionally come down to see music shows and always brings down goodies for the band. last month it was strawberries… really , really juicy sweet strawberries. this month it was peaches. yup, the best i’ve had in many, many years. so juicy i ate them over a bowl and drank the juice afterwards.


I’m in the East Bay, and I think in a couple of weeks, we’ll have really good ones at the farmers’ market.


Really delicious yellow and white peaches here in the DC area. I purchased some from the Shenandoah Valley and others from PA


Nearly perfect today! Some soft spots. Now I will have to eat them quickly! :person_gesturing_ok:t5:


I haven’t found a good apricot in decades. Except for the ones on the tree in the community garden at work. I understand that they don’t travel well, but shoot, I used to find good ones.


Brazelton in Vacaville, Wolfe in Brentwood and K&M at Marin Civic Center Farmers Market. It’s worth waiting for the Elbertas that ripen late July. In general I don’t buy peaches that aren’t labeled with the variety; in other words avoid “yellow peach” or “white peach”.


ANy other places you suggest locally for peaches. I’m in Sonoma. I’ve never been super impressed with Frog Hollow despite its stellar reputation. Anything good at farmers markets in SR?

Sorry no that’s all I know about.
Of course the Farmer’s Markets draw from a larger Area

i love Frog Hollow’s stone fruit conserves, but I agree their actual stone fruits are disappointing.

I saw Badger Ranch in Sebastopol has Elbertas right now

Do you go by there often? I drove out last week but they had a sign up saying no peaches this week. I will be in Santa Rosa tomorrow but am wondering if it’s worth the extra drive again, but I’m craving a good peach :slight_smile:

we’re just over the river from Lancaster - and we’ve been getting local juice-down-your-chin peaches for ~2 weeks…


I do drive by fairly regularly unfortunately not this weekend.
Here you will find their contact info

Thank you so much. I didnt realise they had a web site. This is perfect :slight_smile:

I’ve been obsessed lately with our local donut peaches. They are usually a day or two away from perfection when I buy them at the FM, but when they are ready, they are some of the sweetest & juiciest peaches I have had IN MY LIFE. I’m not even kidding. I’ve never looked more forward to my morning breakfast than I do now while they are available…


Nor did I. But I did notice last time we passed (No Peaches Sign was up :face_with_diagonal_mouth:) that there was a Name on the Barn near the Road.

Those are delicious! I just realized I haven’t seen them lately.

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Really delicious local Red Havens in southwestern Ontario right now, especially those from my local apple orchard shop that sells peaches from other orchards, which are much better than the local peaches from the grocery store that I purchased last week.

This $9.99, 3 litre basket was grown by Thompson’s orchard in Blenheim, Ontario.

I’m making a peach crisp right now.


These are the varieties they have in Willcox, which is where the you-pick farm and orchard are- anybody have any preferences?

  • SUNSHINE - Yellow flesh freestone, 1st peach of the year
  • RED HAVEN - Yellow flesh freestone. Long considered the “standard” to which other peaches are compared.
  • NEW HAVEN - Similar to Red Haven, with a hint of citrus flavor. Annie’s favorite!
  • STAR FIRE - Yellow flesh freestone with a little zip to it’s flavor
  • GLO HAVEN - Similar to Red Haven; ripens 10-14 days after Red Haven
  • JULY SUN - Similar to Glo Haven; often large size
  • RED GLOBE - Yellow flesh freestone with excellent flavor
  • BERENDA SUN - Bright red peach, yellow flesh freestone, with a slight twang to the flavor
  • SUNCREST - Large yellow flesh freestone, excellent flavor
  • ALLSTAR - Large yellow flesh peach; great for fresh eating
  • BLUSHING STAR - White flesh peach, very sweet with excellent flavor. It even smells great! This is our only white peach.
  • CREST HAVEN - High quality, large yellow flesh freestone. Farmer John’s favorite!
  • J.H. HALE - Large yellow skinned peach with a slight blush and yellow “melting” flesh. A favorite for canning.
  • O’HENRY - Firm-fleshed, high quality peach. Tends to get very sweet when mature.
  • RYAN SUN - Similar to O’Henry; matures 7-10 days later.
  • RED SUN - Late season firm flesh peach
  • SEPTEMBER SUN - Firm flesh, very sweet
  • FAIRTIME - An excellent freezer variety as well as fresh eating, is a very large peach with a balanced flavor. Anybody prefer any of these varieties?
  • SWEET SEPTEMBER - A low-acid, firm-flesh peach with a very large size. The latest peach of the season.
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