[Paris 11] Vaisseau

Finally dined in the new restaurant Vaisseau of Adrien Cachot. Opened in December 2023 after 3 years of preparation. I’m lucky to get a reservation in end of February for a lunch last Friday, so the wait was relatively short. My last meal in a Cachot restaurant was Détour back in 2019, his first restaurant in the 9th district.

The vibe of restaurant is minimalist, dark grey walls with white tables. An open kitchen at the end facing immediate a large table for accompanying big group and some small tables for 2 around the baie vitrée near the street. An obvious upgrade from his tiny 1-man kitchen restaurant that was closed in 2020. Despite the minimal setting, the crowd was young and informal, I don’t think I saw any tourist that day.

We took the 60€ lunch Quoi and choose accord vin mets to go with the meal. The food arrived swiftly but without much description of what they were, we would be given the order of degustation. We had to guess the ingredients in each preparation. I remember it was something they have done in Détour, glad that they didn’t change the format, this keeps conversation lively between servers and clients.

Vinaigrette broth with quail egg

A collection of 4 amuses bouches:
Horserasdish tart

Parloude with mushroom (remind us of the sauce of bouchée la reine)

Pepper meringue

Red cabbage juice

Entrées with 6 small plates, paired with La Trochoir 2021 and sobacha

Butternut in red wine sauce
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Rice gnoochis with classic Italian sauce

Jerusalem artichoke with coffee

Lentils with spider crab and coffee

Citrus salade with seasame purée / Mackerel sashimi, citrus and rice vinegar

Brioche sprinkled with fleur de sel was very good, would like to have more.

Main is given the choice of fish or meat, I had meat, partner fish but we shared and tasted everything.
Cod with its a thick white mussel sauce, a touch of citrus with small tapioca pearls for texture. One of my favorite dish.

Pressé de porc serve with a meat juice, black garlic, Brussel sprouts

Paired with Manzanilla Micaela for the white, Pascal Chalon La Grande Ourse URSA Major 2019 for the red wine.

Dessert has 2 choices as well, as usual, we tried all.
Apple with cripsy lettuce leaf and parsley ice cream, very vegetal, surprisingly good

Fondant au chocolat and yuzu pepper ice cream - good but more classic

I have to say lately, few restaurants surprise me anymore but I find a few good ones here. Cachot is mixing different cuisines and influences plus his touch in each plate, you can find Italian and Japanese, or acidity, heat, spicy, hot and cold… Also impressed with the meticulous work and preparation, we have a meal the level of 1-star restaurant. Wine list is more on the expensive side and I don’t see wine by glasses, but there are a few less than 100€ bottles, a few beers and non alcoholic drink. Service was good with the friendly team. One of the regret is lunch menu doesn’t have offal dishes, but only in the long menu and available before 12:30 pm or at night. The reservation is opened once every 2 months, and you have to be on time to grab a slot, as everything will be gone in less than 10 minutes. I recommend hearty the place and will return to have a dinner.


I’m swooning. Thanks for this report @naf ! I love Adrien Cachot’s cooking and I don’t know why everyone isn’t making a beeline to Vaisseau. Although based on the res situation I guess they are.


What sfcarole said! A fine chef, lovely guy.

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Also need to give credit to the chef’s companion that manage well the small team and assumes an efficient service in the salle. There is also another candidate of top chef Gratien Leroy, working in the kitchen. You can see him in the second photo of my first post.


Thanks so much for the great report.

Do you know what time of day you need to be online to reserve for lunch?

For May and June reservation, the opening time will be 26 April at 11 am (French time). If not, just go to check the restaurant site often, there might be some opening as some people cancel.



Anytime @naf posts, I pay attention, even if it’s nowhere near reality for me and my little family. An Onion can dream, can’t she?! Extraordinary-looking meal.

And in fact, I wonder if a meal with unexpected twists might be more interesting for 9-year old Spring Onion than I give him credit for. Hmmm…you’ve planted an intriguing seed.


Share your excitement about Vaisseau @naf. When I posted after a December visit, they had very recently opened and were ironing out some kinks. I recognized the pepper meringue kiss and a couple other dishes. I’d definitely return to see how things have evolved.

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I just read your review. Didn’t know the white tables are temporary. For me, maybe my regret was haven’t choose the full menu, I like offals. By the way, how do you feel about the portion size? TBH, it was ok, but i had still appetite to eat an ice cream (and my partner a waffle) just after this lunch.

No offal for me. And, I don’t remember feeling at all hungry after the lunch. You brought back such a happy memory of being there, from chefs, to waiter, other staff, and of course the food and presentation.

(post deleted by author)

As I read it, as of this morning (NYC time: Paris was already mid-afternoon), there are no reservations available for a party of 2 throughout May & June. However, a # of mid-week dates are available for wait lists. As much as I loved Detour, I’m not sure that I’m going this route.

I hear you! But maybe just toss your name into the waitlist pool. It worked for @Kjtravels, who knows. I will undoubtedly have the same problem when I visit this fall, but I’ll give it a try without obsessing over it.

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I booked a table at the exact time they said they were opening up reservations, and it wasn’t a problem.

8-10 minutes after the hour, when I contemplated making a second reservation for the end of our trip, everything for May and June appeared sold out. Which is why I deleted the post above, which was going to be a reminder to others to book that day…

With the 9 hour time difference that would mean I would have to book a table at 2am :scream:

If I was on the West Coast with you, I could probably be convinced to stay up late and reserve. But, in NYC it would mean getting up at 5am & those days are long over. Maybe I could’ve asked Andy to make reservations for me?

Yeah, I remember when I tried to book at the exact time as announced, there was the first minute or two the site was really slow and with loading errors, I guess with all the connections. The dinners reservations was gone almost immediately, lunches booking was easier.

I will do a longer writeup eventually. But my own net net, having done the “Quoi” 60E lunch menu, was that while very good, it wasn’t worth the hype (nor the staying up late to get the reservation).

Now the 120E “N’importe quoi” I saw a couple of other tables order seemed like it might have been more interesting, so my suggestion is if you do try and succeed at getting a reservation, probably worth ordering that.

So to be clear, I’m not saying it’s a place to avoid by any means, just that the lunch menu the day we went was very good but not “wow”.