OT Other things to do during the quarantine

For those easily entertained I have another trip starting today. Very short from Baltimore MD to Deltaville VA. We should be off the dock by 10p US ET. https://maps.findmespot.com/s/D97H , click the little clock on the left column and then 7d and you’ll see our track (starting at my basement door).

Deltaville is not at the edge of the world but you can see it from there. All the “moving the boat” logistics have been really simple. Getting crew and me home from Deltaville has been a feat and of course we aren’t home yet. Just to increase the stress a little Deltaville may be the last remaining place in the US with no cell signals.


Thank you. I see you’re still sticking close to home for now.

Off the dock last night at 8.45p. Passed Annapolis (home) overnight and now approaching Cove Point nuclear power plant. Natural gas terminal coming up next. Making good time so far.


Stopped in Solomons MD for fuel. Back on track.

I saw that little detour, glad nothing was wrong. Did you leave at night to avoid traffic?

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Not unlike the story behind the (failed) Fyre Festival in the Bahamas! If you haven’t seen that doc, it’s also unbelievable to see how many people fell for the sh*t being shoveled and how many got hurt as a result of the con man.

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Good question. We left at night because my crew have day jobs that we had to wait for and 8.45 was when we were ready. No point in sleeping at the dock when we can be making progress!

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Ah that makes sense. It looks like you are getting close to Deltaville. Do you plan heading home tonight?

CV-19 has made transportation hard. Driving home tomorrow morning. Details to follow once we’re tied up, certainly by 8p US ET.

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Good trip. In early. Lots of rental car companies have put restrictions on one-way car rentals but Budget really worked with us to get us home. Did have to call in a big favor from a friend to drive us from Deltaville to Williamsburg/Newport News for the car - an hour drive - to make that work. Still on the boat this morning, cleaned up and waiting for our ride at 9.30a. Should be home by 3p today. Shower and a nap, then dinner and an early night.


Glad to hear everything worked out well. On to the next adventure!


My dad pitched an idea to me yesterday that I’ve become pretty excited about. He’s legally blind from advanced macular degeneration, and believes there’s a real need for an easy cookbook for people with visual impairments. This book would need to go beyond large print, the font would have to be quite large, in fact.

I just looked online cursorily, and found nothing except for binders designed to store your own recipes.

I’d like to self publish, and sell online for others who may need something like this.

I was just wondering if any of you have friends or relatives with AMD or similar, and if it’s something that might be useful. Don’t get me wrong, not trying to pitch my book to be, to you, but would welcome feedback about the project in general.


Just wondering how big the font would it need to be. And how that might impact on the practicality of producing a “real” book.

The benefit of self-publish is that there are some publishers out there who basically print to order, rather than you having to commit to a largish run. I am a goodly number of years out of date here, but I did look at Lulu when I was struggling to find a traditional publisher for one of my books. Certainly at the time, they would have fitted the bill of being able to do short run production.

Is a digital (Kindle?) version a way forward? Are there already publishers or related services out there catering to the book needs of people with AMD?

While I didn’t do a deep dive into researching, I simply couldn’t find ANY cookbooks for people with low vision. Even books on tape at the Library for the Blind. I help my dad place those orders, and have been all through the catalogs, never seeing an audible cookbook even.

I’m going to have to get with my dad, to get an idea for font size. Even with his highly specialized visual aids, it’s slow going for him to read. These recipes would be simple, so probably not much writing involved. He does call me all the time for cooking and recipe ideas. Nothing elaborate of course, just simple and easy. I’d also include shortcut products for further ease. I like the idea of short printing runs. Thanks for your thoughts @Harters.

I would definitely consider a Kindle format, in addition to the hard copy. Dad isn’t computer literate at all. I tried to get him set up while he was recovering from his quintuple bypass. I knew his vision would be getting worse, and a computer would have enabled him to read for longer, as well as see family pictures. Mother dear put the big kabosh on that, unfortunately.


I kept this article when my relative had challenges. He also used audio cookbooks.

And this


Thanks, I’ll be checking these out to see if there’s a niche for the type of book I’d like to write @Rooster.

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For your amusement. Due to a recent home mani/pedi and online shopping for new nail polish colors, I needed someone to test the new polish on, since I’m all polished up already. H agreed, so here’s a pic. DD2 says it belongs in the Covid diaries for sure. I couldn’t stop laughing because it looks so pretty. BTW, he insisted on 2 coats, and he’s still wearing it!! :joy_cat::joy_cat:


He wears it well.


Sailors and pilots will immediately realize that the left should be red and the right should be green. grin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navigation_light

My left big toe was often red thanks to my nieces pre-COVID.


I love learning new stuff! Never knew that about mariners…

In regards to your toenail being painted by your niece, reminds me that my BIL would let his daughter paint all his toenails, each a different color, and when not working, he’s a guy that wears flip flops around. He’s a cranky dude too, so it surprised me quite a bit.

All this said, I’ve been trying to get H into the salon with me for his and hers mani/pedis, and he absolutely refuses. Said he wouldn’t use a gift certificate for one either. Maybe this is a baby step in that direction??