OT Other things to do during the quarantine

A question here rather than in the cooking set because it is for entertainment and the senses of humor here are quite good. grin

We have a local gourmet market–mostly cheese–that has some absolutely wonderful par-baked baguettes. They’ve shifted to curbside delivery and business is definitely off. Usually we wander in once a month for a tasting and buy some things. Local business and all that. The bread by the way is a huge favorite of my very Italian father-in-law. Under current circumstances we don’t know when we’ll see him again. I bought a couple of baguettes today anyway - support local small business.

The question is what to do with all this bread. We aren’t often inclined to bread with every meal. Bruschetta is obviously on the list. Some kind of tapenade. What else do you do with baguettes? Extra credit for whimsy.

Why are all my ideas here inappropriate for family audiences?

edit* - I thought about it and I now have this vision of hamsters in submarines . Maybe you could hollow out a few baguettes and fill your bathtub with water… Nah. I’ll get back to you later.


Actually, @Auspicious, I like them worn on a ring finger, or perhaps the wrist :joy_cat:

I’ll be there in ten minutes. Can you please give me directions from Houston?


I like it. I used to have a hamster called Ernie - he’s long gone now. We have a cat now. I’m going to need a bigger loaf of bread.

0:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I91DJZKRxs

Actually the cat is a great source of entertainment in quarantine. We’ve taught her to play fetch. She’s isn’t very good at it but she does fetch.


That was too funny. I love cats so I clicked on your youtube link expecting to see a video of your cat playing fetch. That is NOT a cat!

My cat liked to fetch but he started it. I would buy catnip mice and he would chase them down and bring them back. After going through a couple of packs I realized roiled up foil worked just as well and far less expensive.

He liked to use the foil mice in a game when I went to bed, I’d throw it in the air off the bed and he’d jump 6-7 feet in the air to get it, repeat. Sometimes I would wake up in the morning and have mice on top of me and around me.

What a cat!

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I have a disturbing number of pictures and videos of Emma the Cat. I refuse to contribute to the quantity of cat pics and video on the Internet.

It took my wife twelve years to talk me into a cat. She’s lovely. So is my wife. I’m really not big on the cat box.


Emma the Cat’s favorite fetch toy is a screw toy - just wound up insulated wire. When she can’t get our attention she bats them around and chases them herself. She also has two plastic sticks with long flannel ribbon. Around three am she drags one into our bedroom. Around four am the second one gets dragged in. At six am she walks around on top of my wife and meows at her; by then I’m usually up and in my office. My wife is definitely Emma’s person. I’m only tolerated. I’m only good for head scratches and even then only when my wife is not around.

Cats are misunderstood. Some say they are aloof and not loyal. Form a loving bond with them and you are theirs. I’ve had them follow me around every step I take but won’t look at anybody else.


Love your cat stories @jcostiones and @Auspicious - have a cat too; seems to me there are more “cat” people than dog people that post to food forums. Would be interesting to know. Anyone else interested in chiming in here about that?

Now wondering if Joe Exotic might be posting here or other sites? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


All I had to do is say the word mouse and he would grab one drop it at my feet and it was fetch game on.

My wife’s nickname for Emma the Cat is “CC” for constant companion. Emma sleeps the day away on her home office desk.

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I sincerely hope you all read my book, partially about my cat. It’s free if you have kindle unlimited:

Display them as an art form. I’d mount them in the shape of a V - that’s as in the British wartime “V for Victory”. Show the people you mean business about defeating this virus. You’ve lived in the UK, so will know that the two-fingered V sign can be tricky. Fingers raised with palm facing outward, as Winston Churchill, often did, is the “V for Victory”. Same two fingers raised with palm inward means “Fuck Off/You”.

On a more serious note, you should be able to freeze part baked baguettes. So freeze one and eat the other now. Seeing as the place mainly sells cheese surely that’s a bread & cheese lunch. Or, do the “Full Brit” with a"ploughman’s lunch" (a so called traditional meal which dates all the way back to the 1960s.) - cheese, bread, apple, onion, chutney or pickles.


You’re going to have keep your distance!

I found the simply ming video, but cant wrap my head around a quart of evoo, and my oysters are much smaller.
I’m going to check out other versions, and adjust for a smaller amount.


Um, dogs rule. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Of course- dogs rule too @CurlzNJ! Love both canines and felines. Borrow/pet sit kid #1’s dogs when I need a doggie fix.

Would be interesting to know what the breakdown is on this forum, I think. (Obviously have too much time on my hands)…


Reviewed quite a few recipes,





went with this one.

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That’s exactly what we chose to do. Cut each of the two in half and froze them separately.

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