Old glass measuring cups

I have a drawer full of old measuring cups with barely visible markings. There was a DIY suggestion online to use an oil based sharpie marker and then cure in an oven, supposedly dishwasher proof but first time through the dishwasher markings disappeared.
Any HO suggestions for remarking the glass?

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there are kits/products to etch glass - either by sandblasting or acid.
usually for “decorative patterns” on glass, but some masking tape and imagination . . .

Thanks but that sounds too advanced for my skills😉


I have resorted to shot glasses for everything. :smirk:


There are brands of glass pens that wash off and some that bake on. My sister attends ceramic classes and the same studio offers glass design making. She bought her pens from the studio but they also sell both types at craft stores and art supply shops. They are sold in varying tip width and colors.


She just txt me the brand, POSCA Paint marker. And, this link:

Nail polish


Not sure that would be dishwasher safe.

Thanks Rooster, they look like what I had hoped I was getting with the sharpies. Will try them out.

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