New items you’ve purchased at the grocery store

I got some of those several weeks ago from Imperfect Foods. I liked them. Now I’ve ordered this:


They’re crisp, and have a nice balance of sweet & tart. And they are f’n adorable :heart_eyes:

Extra points for adorable!

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Grocery store Macs are pretty bad these days. You can still get Macs with flavor (and tartness, though I wouldn’t say they’re as tart as a Granny by any stretch) at orchards around here, fortunately, but it is a once-a-year event. I used some Ruby Macs (a tarter-than-average for Mac varietal) I picked last month in my T-day apple pie and they were fantastic.


This is a giant candy bar from UK supermarket M&S. It is 300 grams and costs £6.50. I really like it. It is like a posh Snickers. It has a nice snap to the chocolate shell and a layer of dark chocolate under the milk chocolate. Also a well-judged level of saltiness.


Not bad!

Darn you, World Market!


I spent vast quantities of money on M&S treats when I was there in October… allegedly as “gifts” but unlikely to make it out of my house…


I wish we still had Marks and Spencer in Canada.

There was one in the Holt Renfrew Centre on Bloor, and another location in Scarborough Town Centre in Toronto, as well as at Oakridge Mall in London, ON. We used to get a lot of Xmas foods there, as well as underwear. :joy:

I always stock up at Marks & Spencer and at Boots when I’m in the UK.


(post deleted by author)


I’d be interested to know what you get in Boots. I used to go to Boots often but in recent years I prefer Superdrug.

M&S is a perennial favourite. When my parents in-law visit from Australia they love to have a wander around M&S. Now they have opened a small food concession at the hospital where I work and it is difficult to resist popping in there all the time.


Boots used to also be one of the drug stores in Canada. Most Boots locations became PharmaPlus in the 90s, then Rexall after that.

I don’t buy much food at Boots in the UK, although I have bought refrigerated sandwiches which are a novelty buy for me when I’m in the UK. There’s a lot more selection in the UK, and they’re typically much nicer than the pre-made sandwiches in Canada. I realize they aren’t something most Brits seek out, since they’re available everywhere. :joy:

I mostly buy cosmetics, haircare and skincare products at Boots. I also buy saccharine tablets for an Argentinian friend, for her tea and coffee. Saccharine hasn’t been available in Canada for close to 40 years. I haven’t visited any Superdrugs yet.

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OK, I can see how Boots might suit some special purchases. Superdrug doesn’t do any food, just toiletries, some pharmaceutical items and cosmetics. But it does have a good range including its own brand skincare and pricing tends to be more keen than Boots.

I used to be into a Boots meal deal, especially in UK airports, but the quality seems to have taken a dip in recent years. I prefer M&S for non toasted sandwiches and Costa coffee for toasted sandwiches. Or Greggs for savoury pastry bakes!


I regret not ordering anything at Gregg’s when I spent a couple days in Newcastle in 2016.

I do like Costa and Cafe Nero, as British coffee chains go.

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Has anyone posted this link yet?

Local Ontario-grown Honeycrisps have been tasty this year. Maybe the slip in Honeycrisps is mostly an American problem. I haven’t purchased any imported American Honeycrisps over the fall.

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I did but in the what’s on your mind thread.


For when a craving hits. Tender skins, flavorful filling. A little skimpy on the broth.


Mods, I deleted this by mistake. Please could you reinstate? Thanks :pray:t3:

I would purchase all of these again:

These chocolates filled with eau de vie/ obstler were stronger than most. I guess I like the little barrel-shaped ones a little more, or the cheap brandy beans


I bought three Mexican hawthorn/tejocote at La Bonita supermarket. I’m often interested in trying new fruit, but I won’t buy these again. They’re a little astringent and have the texture/consistency of a potato. It was only $0.28 for the three, so I’m not upset that I bought some and didn’t like them.

This photo isn’t mine…I “borrowed” it from the ‘net.


Here’s more about the fruit if you are unfamiliar with them.


Did you eat them raw or cooked with them ? They are a bit like quince where it is OK to eat them raw but it isn’t really when they shine. They tend to be much better cooked in dishes or preserves