My never ending quest - new restaurants I won't hate in Tristate NY, CT area

Jfood just put up a post (on this site) asking about the National and I happened to go the other day- just posted a long review answering him . Bottom line- I thought it was excellent, including the service. A bit pricey,but that is to be expected in Greenwich. Will definitely go back

Thanks, rich. If I can get in, Iā€™ll be trying Rattlesnake Jack - Iā€™ve missed Cactus Jack (same owner).

The National is on my list, though. Iā€™ll have to check out your post.

If you like the Greenwich crowd, you might like Gaia. Ask for Rui, tell him deedee sent you.

So when I came here I used it without the E so old pals would know it was me, but quickly decided to change it back. The mods did it for me - no problem!

Just read the National review, thanks for the post. And there is a mention of Gaia on this thread as well. I still need to try both. I understand that Gaia is totally different than the Gaia that was in the same area a few years ago.

I am currently doing research for my ā€œBest of Burger Listā€ and have National on the list to try

Oh good, I still want the ultimate burger, so be sure to point to your list.

I donā€™t know the previous Gaia in the area, but this Gaia is a sister (brother?) restaurant to Douros, right down the street. I know the owner, Rui Carrera, who has been on the Today show and profiled in the media.

rich, was I right or was I right about this place?:grinning:

I do it every year. Published around the Memorial Day period. From early returns, there will be a shake-up in the ratings and one has already lost a position. I rate them from 1-10 throughout the year and the numbers have been interesting so far. It you want to see the list from last year take a look.

Nice. I especially like the raw-rare burger and the piled high with stuff burger.

Thanks, jfood.

Wish you would give 5 napkin burger (at Ridge Hill) a try. I realize it is not in CT. I did have a slider and taco there- both were good. My lunchtime meals are mostly smaller and less $$. In winter especially,I rarely make it out for dinner. However as posted, I treated myself to National. Otherwise I still plan to try 5 napkin any way

:Only good for a party if Iā€™m invited (just kidding). Hard for me to say, I sat at the very front( I move about in a wheelchair). The tables were certainly well spaced- perhaps a bit noisy. Nice mix on the menu but nothing really geared towards youngsters or less adventurous eaters. Place is definitely geared towards business men/and women and leisurely lunches - although service was very good. If you mean an all adult party, I think it would be very nice, probably pricey- but maybe you could start a precedent and get them to "throw in " the bread . :slightly_smiling:

Hey, I know you and Deedee are buds, but I asked the question :grin: it will just be the two of us. Maybe they will give me birthday bread!!!

Sorry Gwenn-
Didnā€™t realize it was your question and also misunderstood. I think for 2 ,you will have a very good time. As for birthday bread,more likely to get a candle. The table near me did get an order of 3 cookies for dessert. It had a lit candle on top for a special birthday treat. Donā€™t know if they comped the dessert or just the candle- my guess would be unless a good customer,only the candle was comped (but perhaps the complete dessert was)


No problem, rich, weā€™re all buds here.

Good comment about the free candle, I like your attitude.

Like Dee said, weā€™re all buds here!!! The menu looks really good for dinner. I think weā€™ll do it.

Cool. Be sure to post your review.

On your recommendation, Iā€™m going to Bernardā€™s for my very old birthday, and Iā€™ll post mine.


Thanks for the suggestion, but that is a little out of the way from my in CT. I think there is a 5 Napkin near my daughter and I may convince her to join me one day.

I was thinking about Bernardā€™s for mine too, but just really liked the menu at the National. I hope you enjoy Bernardā€™s. When is yours? Donā€™t forget to post your review too!

Hope you do go and enjoy it. In my review,I forgot to mention the cookies - I did get an order to go. 3 large cookies and also very good. Hope you like the place and keep us informed.

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Thanks. In two weeksā€¦sorry, Gwenn, I misremembered. I picked NoMa Social for my b/d, and Bernardā€™s for my anniversary. Oh boy, two chances to hear: see you wanted to try new places. :smile: