More Chowhound Shenanigans



You know what will be really hilarious is you actually ask for it on CHā€™s Site Feedback page.

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Cā€™mon youā€™ve got to come up with something more challenging next time. (Remember Iā€™m the holder of the first ever HO food eating challenge!!! FYI no photo-shopping involved scoutā€™s honor!!)


Ha! I didnā€™t think youā€™d actually do it. Iā€™d be most curious about the tone of the response now.

Well Iā€™ll have you know I already have one ā€œheartilyā€ supportive comment!

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Baaa haaahaaahaahaahhhhhh!!! Thatā€™s brilliant!

Well, looks like your request for the Jr Board is already gone, @NotJrvedivici.

The humorlessness over there continues.

:smiling_imp: Well I tried !!! Oh I wonder if I got an email, let me go check!! lol


Hey Notjr,

Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t understand. In your early posts on Hunrgry Onion you took pains to distinguish yourself from Jrvedivici on Chowhound. So what do you have to do with him/her now?

To whom it may concern: Nothing in this post is to be conceived as detrimental to any Hungry Onion poster nor as supportive of any Chowhound poster.

Iā€™ve heard whispers of witness protection programsā€¦

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Are you a loyal listener to Car Talk?

Well duh, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!! (hahahaha donā€™t know how I came up with that one, but yep thatā€™s my story and Iā€™m sticking to it!!!)

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I like it but it airs on Saturdays which is a work day for me so I seldom catch it. Obviously donā€™t hear it often enough to get the reference!

Hats off! I was seen. I was conquered!. Still have to get there ā€¦

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Youā€™re welcome! although Iā€™m pretty sure that just got the whole thing deleted even earlier.
Nice try though.


Itā€™s simply that the Magliozzi brothers often refer to the witness protection program.

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To be accurate, brother these days.

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Your objection is, of course, entirely correct. But the reruns, entitled ā€œThe Best of Car Talk,ā€ feature both brothers.

More an observation than an objection.

I always want a Princeton Board splitting it from the rest of NJ.

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