More Chowhound Shenanigans

No, I believe in persistent pseudonymity, so I’m “small h” all over the damn place. And…England? Been there, never posted about it (as far as I can recall). Who are you confusing me with? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Obviously I am confused, so I won’t know who I confused you with. I know I have associated you with Britain/UK for a long long time.

Must be the accent.


I think what passes for improvements has been flailing to mitigate the damage the Change has caused.

Without experience in website design, a degree in computer science, or limitless patience, CH simply no longer functions at what once made it great.


We must be talking about a different thread? I can still see it. Luckily you put it on the UK board which CH have never cared about really.

I have web design experience, a degree in computer science and very limited patience. Guess the third quality is what has turned me from CH :stuck_out_tongue:

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OK, this info is from the past 48 hours and weekly, since I missed yesterday.

General (+7)
Home Cooking (+16)
Cookware (+3)
Not About Food (0)
Gardening (0)
Wine (+2)
Beer, Etc. (0)
Food Media (+4)
Site Feedback (+10)
Restaurants (+44)

For the Week:

General (+12)
Home Cooking (+28)
Cookware (+14)
Not About Food (0)
Gardening (0)
Wine (+2)
Beer, Etc. (0)
Food Media (+7)
Site Feedback (+60)
Restaurants (+44)

As conforms with appearances, the most popular category has been Site Feedback, If we ignore Restaurants about HALF of all new posts were bitching about the Site changes.

It would be useful if someone smarter than me could calculate the average weekly OP rate BEFORE the Change, so we can compare with the numbers I’m logging…

It’s pretty easy to see who’s new on CH – just look at the date of their first post.

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“spatula” tag - ha!

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I went back to take a look and walked away(figuratively) in horror, it is even worse now!

Things take a thousand years to load if they load at all, every time I login I
am asked to follow something before I can get to the main site

I will go back to find old content if it isn’t too much of a pita but I am DONE

This new site is great so far thanks for creating it!


" The removal of posts and suspensions/banning of long-time posters buried them " <<<

The new ChowHound MGMT team must be very young and inexperienced to allow their actions to be so heavily influenced by their emotions.


Wow, I was wondering where everyone went. I really don’t like the new format at CH, so glad I found this site. I see so many familiar names. Hello all! :grinning:


Thanks kaleoahu for this info - I really think the new CH does not want any discussions or food conversations at all.

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I think they only care about clicks. They’d be 100% fine with 144-character bubblegum bullshit.

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CH is just a stepping stone for the current mgmt. team . Here today gone tomorrow . They know they will be replaced in a couple years by some smart machine .

Admittedly, my participation on CH had slowed to almost nothing over the past couple of years. I probably haven’t even visited the site in months. I just read this entire thread and I have to ask, WTH is going on over there? Were they trying to make the site impossible to use (each new version of CH over the past decade made it harder)? What I’m reading sounds so confusing- and so not about food! Personally, I became increasingly disenchanted with the site’s corporate overlords tightening the noose, inch by inch, on the very purpose and meaning of the site to us, the long-time users. I sucked it up, but eventually got tired of the drama among some of the regular users. The cliques, the snark… The rudeness. IMO, it didn’t help that some longtime users also became mods and that made them a target of other users’ frustrations.
So where did people flock to? I mean, before HO? EGullet? Robert Lauriston’s site?

I may have missed it, but in case I didn’t and one has not yet been posted, I hereby call on Sampson Shen to devise a Mission Statement for the Hungry Onion community. Like Leff’s Manifesto, but 2.0.


Can’t keep my fingers from my keyboard on this one, K! I think you have it backwards. I think the problem is that the Chowhound/CBS-i side of the curtain crossed the line on “web design” and doesn’t have a clue about how mutual interests in specific threads and those who participated in each thread made Chowhound what it was, or how critical that was to the overall success of the site.

I don’t think “community success” has a damned thing to do with how good or how bad the web design is. In the very early days of the web, some of the most interesting and successful “sites” I’ve ever participated in were “chat rooms” on IRC that didn’t even have graphics/sound capabilities because they hadn’t been developed yet. But time changes all things. Today IRC (as far as I know) is a swampland of porn, has graphics and sound, but is no longer global. There are no more Google Groups, moderated or not. And personally I find “subscription groups” risky at best.

By shattering the threaded conversations on specific boards, regional or international, CBS-i has basically taken a Prime Rib and turned it into a meatloaf! Or maybe in the case of ChowHOUND, they’ve turned it into kibble…? '-)


I’m going to stalk you from now on. Wait a minute, I’m already stalking you.

Yikes! Is there an HO restraining order feature I should be researching :stuck_out_tongue:

Thoroughly enjoyed reading all of this!!! ~~~ I remember posting I was gonna pop some popcorn and sit back and watch the damn-est train wreck I’d ever seen. It goes without saying the post only lasted a couple of hours. :laughing: