McDonald's to start selling Krispy Kreme

Let’s see whether this actually happens, “by 2026”

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I haven’t been to McD’s in years. Somehow this news does not entice me to visit in 2026.


I haven’t found an easy source for crullers since the nearby donut bakery closed. If those end up available and fresh at McD’s I could be enticed to become a regular customer.

I don’t recall ever seeing crullers at KK; then again, it’s been years since I’ve been in a KK store.

But now I want a cruller.


Never in the stand-alone retail shops, but as pre-packaged boxes at retailers, but even those are now part of the graveyard.


The article says the selection will be glazed, chocolate iced with sprinkles , and chocolate iced with a cream filling. No cruller for you.


Thanks for finding that detail. No McD’s donuts for me…

I would never opt for a donut when I can get a sausage egg mcmuffin with hash browns. Yum!

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Pancakes and a yogurt/fruit parfait for me when we used to travel and need something reliable – McD’s worked. When home, I prefer the bacon egg English muffin sandwiches I make here at home, with optional baked tater tots or skillet-cooked shredded hash browns. Quicker than driving to McD. But the time (and deep fry oil) needed to make donuts aren’t anywhere in my make-at-home list.


Falling into the DARK SIDE!!
Selling, IMO, one of the world’s most unhealthy snack food!!!..Fried! Loaded with Trans Fat! Refined carbohydrates! Tons of sugar!!!..recipe for obesity and early death!!

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I wouldn’t call their core business of burgers and fries as much healthier



Krispy Kreme has the worst donuts. Every donut shop I have ever been to is better. Big mistake McD’s. What they should have done is go back to their original FRIED cherry pies.


I agree. I grew up in North Carolina near the city where KK was founded. My parents loved them. I hated them. When they made a brief attempt to expand to the Boston area (Medford), I went once and got two, just to be sure I still hated them. So sweet I couldn’t finish…

I don’t like Dunkin either…

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Not really.,some%20countries%20including%20the%20US.

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I’ve tried the McD’s donuts available in Canada. They’re okay. Not as good as a hot Krispy Kreme, but better than a Tim Hortons donut that has been out for 8 h. Probably a little better than a fresh Tim Hortons donut right now. I have had a Dutchie and a Honey Glazed from Tim Hortons in the past month, and both were not as good or fresh as my last McD’s cake donut.

The going rate at one ordinary small town bakery for a fresh donut is $3 Cdn, and the fancy gourmet donuts in Toronto run $3.25-$6. McDs keeps their donuts cheap. I think less than 2 bucks. Price varies from location to location.

McD’s donuts weigh 42 grams , so they are smaller than most bakery donuts.


Not unlike the noodles on your profile, @THECHARLES , which are loaded with carbs, fat and salt. No one gets out of here alive…


I don’t think McD’s is any less healthy than an indie meal at a Korean, Chinese, Thai, Indian, Greek , Middle Eastern, Italian, fried chicken, pub or Fish & Chips joint.

The meals that kill me with salt overload tend to be the take-out Korean, shawarma, some Vietnamese, most Indian, most souvlaki, about half the commercial chicken or veal parmesan. If I stay up all night guzzling water after a meal, I never go back to the restaurant again. :rofl:

Burger King causes me to be very thirsty afterwards, so I don’t go there anymore.

I’m actually quite happy with McDs and Wendy’s. No ill after effects.

In terms of trans fats, apart from reading about them, I don’t consider them at all, when I’m fine dining or getting a quick bite. I doubt that Vongerichten and Boulud are thinking about trans fats.

I’m also sure regular foie gras and duck confit are worse for your blood work than an occasional burger from McDonalds. :rofl:

Everything in moderation. :rofl::nazar_amulet::greece:


Including moderation.

We all need to do things to excess once in a while.
Personally, I just do it a LOT less often as I get older.



Put slightly differently:

If it’s worth doing well, it’s worth doing to excess.

Not everything worth doing, is worth doing well.