Marmite! Yes/No? What do you do with it?

  1. Yes. I really like the stuff.

  2. Toast, of course. But I also use it as a sort of secret ingredient. Soups, stews, & chili. Also as a glaze for baked chicken.

Anyone else?

Don’t like it.

On the other hand, it’s one of Mrs Harters’ favourite breakfasts, lightly smeared on toast.

Love the stuff. I enjoy it on toast with butter, sometimes with an egg on top.

But I also find that it’s a great way to add a big hit of umami; a spoonful stirred in has the same sort of effect as worchestershire sauce, but far more savory. I once made a recipe of potatoes glazed with a Marmite sauce, and wish I still had it, because it was pretty great.

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It’s OK if Bovril is absolutely not an option. I like both (preferably Bovril) on warm toast with a slice of aged cheese. It would taste gross with non aged/rubber cheese, btw.

Bring a Bovril jar with me on my travels, too!

Yes, and unlike worchestershire, Marmite won’t offend the vegetarians.

I have yet try Bovril.


Not in a house, not with a mouse.

I just bought some, with the idea to add umami flavor to whatever I’m cooking. I haven’t opened it yet. Should it be refrigerated or is it ok in the pantry?

And I love it on toast, with butter!

No need to refrigerate, even after opening. Marmite will keep in the pantry, well, pretty much forever.

That’s good, because we keep our (unopened, small) jar of marmite on our souvenir shelf–one small, typical item from every country we visit.

Love Marmite on either buttered toast or Marmite sandwiches. Not too much of it though. It’s a British thing so as the ad says you either love it or hate it.

I love the stuff! I always have a jar of Marmite and Vegemite in the house. I know we’re supposed to vehemently choose sides but I genuinely like both. If I could only take one on a desert island, it would be Vegemite but only because I grew up in Australia.

I love the usuals that have already been mentioned: on buttered toast soldiers dipped in soft boiled egg, as an addition to stews/chilis, on a cheese sandwich (cold or hot), ditto on the chicken glaze mentioned above.

I also like to stir it into hot water and drink it or make a sauce of melted butter and Marmite/Vegemite to toss with pasta - must have parmisan as well for this dish. I like to place little dots of it on a toasted bagel with cream cheese. Smear a little on your bread before loading it up with egg salad. This always seems to gross people out but I love it with a peanut butter and lettuce sandwich - throw in some cheese in there and Woohoo! I almost always add a touch to gravy. Try mixing it in with melted butter and then drizzling on popcorn. SO GOOD!

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Thanks for the popcorn suggestion! Sounds great.

My biggest problem with Marmite is that it is so sticky. Makes it incredibly difficult to spread or mix with another product.