Lunch 2024

About 10 years ago one of my daughters insisted I was frying eggs wrong because she’d seen something on the internet claiming that eggs should have hard blackened edges. She showed me the video and it was clear that the person posting the vid was starting with a pan waaay too hot.

The next time I made her eggs I got out the cast iron (most often I’d use nonstick for eggs but didn’t want to ruin it) and made her eggs that were the spitting image of those in the video.

After that, we went back to my usual method, by mutual consent.

@linguafood - I’ve twice gotten a half pound Nueske’s super-thick bacon as a gift for buying other stuff. I don’t remember if it was supposed to be heavily smoked or not, but I really liked it and didn’t find it too smoky.

OTOH, one of those times the thing I’d bought, causing me to get the gift bacon, was smoked pheasant. It was so smoky that none of the rest of my family could eat it, and I could barely deal with it. Ug.

I’ll have to give their duck breast a look next time they ping my email.


Not a bacon lover. Thought it was mushrooms!

Impromptu Home Cook Lunch

With the arrival of a cold front that plummeted the outdoor temperature by a whopping 20 C within minutes and bringing along with it, gale force wind and flurries. I decided to abandon my planned ’ Won-Ton Noodle ’ lunch and cooked at home instead.

Seared a 14 oz Angus NY Striploin using a cast iron pan, finished off the ‘restaurant way’ by basting it with Butter, Garlic and Thyme. Paired with a Spring Mix Salad dressed with Yuzu Honey and Creamy Garlic Caesar Dressing.

No wine pairing. Drank strong Pu-Erh tea instead…to help with the grease!

Aiming for rare but slightly over-cooked to medium rare!..Better luck next time!!!😜


Hopefully the wind/cold won’t last too long! Your lunch looks delicious! I haven’t had a steak it soooo long I must fix that!

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I love 'em both. They’re actually a great combo in my book :slight_smile:

It’s “rustic”!!

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A pair of Bacon/egg/provolone McMuffin-ish sandwiches for lunch.

Obligatory squirt of catsup for extra umami 🤌🏻😅



Ketchup on Egg McMuffins is totally underused and underrated.

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Agree and I used to bring my own catsup packs with me to Starbucks as they didn’t offer any condiments for their breakfast sandwiches for some bizarre reason, true story :smiley:

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Decades ago, I used to bring my own jar of salsa to Denny’s.

They have salsa now, of course, but back then, no salsa, meant no scrambled eggs for me.

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Leftover elk steak and celery root puree with roasted root vegetables from last night’s dinner out.


The meat was so rare (practically raw inside) that I was able to nuke it in 15 sec increments on each side, and still have a perfectlly rare piecea meata. Excited as I was about the elk, I don’t find it to be very flavorful, and it is very lean. In fact, I enjoyed the puree and roasted veg more than the meat. #lessonlearned


Milano-style meat sauce “doria” at Saizeriya. IMHO, Saizeriya is Japan’s inflation fighter champ. It’s an Italian family restaurant (“family restaurants” in Japan are akin to places like Denny’s or Coco’s in the US…what we Americans call/used to call “coffee shops”) with amazingly cheap prices…especially for the quality!

“Doria” is a Japanese “yoshoku” invention. “Yoshoku” translates to “western food” and includes things like chopped steak with gravy, au gratin dishes, Japanese curry, “omurice” (an omelette wrapped around Spanish rice) and this “doria”, which is white sauce, cheese and meat sauce baked over white rice. I’ve been to Saizeriya about 10 times in 2.5 years and while there are some true “misses” on the menu (stay away from the pizzas!), this doria, at ¥300/USD $2.00 is a grand slam to be sure! It was the first time I’d had it and is said to be one of, if not their most popular menu item…and I can see why!

There are many Saizeriya all over Japan (Shikoku only has less than a handful, though). This location was in Kobe’s Sannomiya area just one floor above the Internet cafe I’m staying in. Thankfully last night was my final night staying here and I’ll be staying with a friend until Tuesday. Sadly, though I’ll be moving back to the US next Tuesday. I’ll be staying with my sister in Las Vegas. My dream of living the rest of my life in Japan (I’ve been here continuously since July 2009) just couldn’t go on. On and off, I’ve lived in Japan from 1984 until this year for a total of approximately 20 years. I love this country so much, but leaving is the only current viable option. (Sorry for the unnecessarily long story.)


I’m sorry to hear that! I hope you settle somewhere that you like.


Thank you VERY much!

Las Vegas and I are a total mismatch, but my sister (whom I tend to not get along with) has agreed to put me up until I can get back on my feet. I don’t know where I’ll end up eventually, but I hope it’s a more suitable location than Las Vegas for me.


I want to visit Vegas so I can eat at Lotus of Siam. I regret not going 8 to 10 years ago.


Same. Good luck!


Wish you the best in your future endeavors. Hoping your wish to live in Japan forever comes to reality one day soon.

We’re only visitors here, and have already mused on spending some serious time here. Great people, lifestyle, so much more.


I’m sorry to hear that you are leaving Japan. Maybe this move will only be temporary? Either way, I hope you end up in a place you like. I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts. I’ve never been to Las Vegas, but I’ve read about lots of good sounding restaurants there. Maybe you could post about those…Best wishes.


That’s one of the few places in Las Vegas I’d like to try!

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Thanks again!
I see no appeal at all to Las Vegas.
I am literally the ONLY family member whom doesn’t like it!
But I have to go where I’ll be taken in for a while.