Long Branch: Sitting Duck to close

Sad news to hear that one of my favorite local restaurants is closing. This family owned restaurant was the goto place for locals. The brothers also run the Pour House in Shrewsbury. No intel on that restaurant. This has been the toughest times for the food business. Best wishes to the owners who made a great place to have a few beers and a delicious meal. :frowning_face:


SD’s FB page indicates they’ve sold the restaurant to a “group”.

Anyone know the actual facts?

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One fact: GSPH took out a loan in April 2020 to cover payroll, reporting 60 jobs involved. Then a similar loan in January 2021, but reporting 35 jobs.
( Link )

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this sucks, I don’t have any experience with the SD, but I assume it was mostly the same as PH. I know a number HO’s really enjoyed this spot. I hope they keep the PH- as it looks like its doing well to some extent. Wait times when I’ve ordered have been getting longer as well, so that’s a good sign I hope.
If it turns out the the group is McCloones I’ll lose my mind here!


Very sad to hear the news. Been there several times and never had a bad meal. Actually, Justin and I had the first of many dinners out there, so it was always a special place. Identical menu to Pour House, but even though it was a longer drive, I always preferred Sitting Duck. Always struck me as more of a locals place and more “down to earth” (for lack of a better term) than Pour House.

In these difficult times, having two large restaurants with identical menus probably just ran its course. I imagine they will focus all their energy on Pour House now (unless that too is in trouble).)


While it could happen, the location does not strike me as McCloone’s-esque. Middle of a residential neighborhood, no beach in sight, and frankly, most probably would not even know it was there unless they were looking for it.


Very true. They do have a spot literally a block down the road from PH, so I do see precedent, but hopefully it’s not them!

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The Asbury Park Press reports they” re selling to MJ’s Restaurant Group. There are several MJ’s restaurants throughout the shore area.


Do we really need another MJ’s in this area? I can’t say that I like the ones already out there. I will miss the atmosphere of sitting at the low bar and watching the SD staff cook and plate the dinners. Great burgers, prime rib, grilled clams, and their famous shrimp & egg salad (with blue cheese of course). Manhattan clam chowder was always on. I could use an IPA right about now.


True re: McCloone’s–they are all about the VIEW!

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agreed. Mj’s actually seems to be doing better these days at least in a cpl locations as per some posts on our board, but the PH/SD experience is rather unique locally and will be sorely missed (and is a step or two above MJs in my opinion)

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A so-so day ruined. So many memories here. Being short, I too loved the low chairs on two sides of the bar. Never a bad meal. This really, really sucks.


Wow…that does SUCK. I had been a handful of times just for the change of scenery vs. the much closer Pour House. If accurate about MJ’s that’s will be the 3rd property of the Pour House ownership to turn into an MJ’s. We had The Grist Mill was 1st - Beacon St. 2nd and now Sitting Duck.

While I was originally a very large detractor of MJ’s they do seem to have gotten their act(s) together. Because of the proximity to home I tried to “like” MJ’s TF, their first location, but it was abysmal. The food was horrible and the crowds for some of their “events” were really an odd assortment. (men if you decide to go out in drag or if you are trans, please wear panties under your short skirt and / or please CROSS YOUR LEGS. Sadly this is NOT a joke)

However during the pandemic my son suggested we get take out from there because he had been and he enjoyed it. Back last year, when it seemed the world was ending anyway I was like “WTF”? why not, what else do we have to live for, so I gave it another shot. WOW…look this isn’t gourmet but for decent “comfort” food, similar to Sitting Duck/Pour House it’s been very good. Their sushi is good, their pizza’s are good and anything off the menu I have gotten has been “good”. I can’t say I’ve had one complaint and I’ve probably gotten curb side to go from them a dozen times over the past year.

So consider this doubter converted. (they actually do lobster bisque in a bread bowl to go and it’s pretty darn good!!! though I do add some sherry at home)


I guess Paris Hilton’s influence was more long-lasting than I thought. Or you stumbled onto a kilt party - isn’t it traditional to go commando under a kilt?


you forget one time and then you never heard the end of it…


The internet is forever.

Ohhhhhh no it was karaoke night and there was a “guy” who would come in cross dressed as Lady Gaga. (not very convincingly which is why I don’t believe they were truly trans) He would actually hirer off duty police officers as “security” as part of his shtick, who often apologized for his behavior on his behalf. I believe he hired them to prevent him from getting the crap beat out of him, by someone like me. NOT that there was anything wrong with the Lady Gaga thing, but as the night went on he would “expose” himself and act VERY inappropriately (for Christ sake if there is someone who knows something about acting inappropriately it’s ME!!! I’ve been thrown out of some of the finest places in the country!! Including Betty Ford clinic but that’s another story) He would routinely “dance” with participants while grinding etc. on them, honestly I was disgusted by it.

Rumor was he was some well to do CPA from Holmdel area who got off on the cross dressing thing, but he did act in lewd and lascivious manner. (again this is coming from me!!) That’s what I remember from the time, this had to be almost 10 years ago.

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This really sounds like something the establishment should be policing. Exhibitionists should not be forcing other people to look at them - pretty sure exposing yourself to a non-consenting person is at least a misdemeanor.

I too had an awful Karaoke night at MJ’s though not as wild and X-rated as @NotJrvedivici. My story is in the MJ’s thread.

Overall, not a fan. Basing it entirely off 3-4 visits to the Middletown location. If they’ve truly changed anything and upped their game, I might be willing to try again.

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If memory serves me correctly the Lady Gaga fan was a follower of the DJ/karaoke guy who was the house entertainer at the time. He did karaoke nights, open mic nights etc. Overall it was enjoyable but the Lady Gaga went to far one night and it turned me off for good and I haven’t stepped back in. That said, this was when MJ’s first opened, both Rob and Angelo (original owners) were fairly new and still finding their way. The DJ brought in a crowd etc, I don’t think they would need someone of that nature to support their business at this point. Lesson learned. They also seem to have figured out brining in someone who knows more about food than they did too, as I’ve mentioned it’s pretty decent.

@gcaggiano all I’m vouching for is TF location.

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