Let's introduce ourselves and get to know one another better

Funny, I too wanted a “change” with this new site, so I came up with a new name as well. Unlike you I don’t want to give up my previous identity for privacy reasons. I’m glad we are all here now and I enjoy living my “new” life here.

(ETA** Obviously I didn’t realize the stacking order of posts/replies on this site, so while it seems like I’ve lost my mind and simply repeating myself after my response to SteveR, this is actually in response to StoneSoup further up thread. While you might not know my based on my new handle, I promise you I am not insane)

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Upper right corner of your post shows who you’re responding to.

Of course, this alone does not rule out insanity. Just sayin’.


Thank you SteveR. Now that I know it’s you, I’ll have to keep my eyes open. :wink:


“perhaps I ruffled a few feathers on the “other” site” <<<

Not everyone has to agree with everyone all the time, but your one of those guys that if somebody can’t get along with you, its “their” fault !!!

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Thanks Tom, mighty kind of you to say.

I’m in the Inland Empire, Palm Springs to be exact. Food writing and methodologies are my thing, but I’m liable to weigh in anywhere. Regional American foods are my specialty - you want to know the difference between ponhaus and scrapple, or
cold shape and headcheese, I’m the one to ask.
My best food experience lately has been having to put my imagination to the test, as I’ve been working at a company that turns out 700+ meals a day on a very limited budget. In general my all-time best food experience was realizing that I could make a living doing what I love: Cooking and writing about food.
On Chowhound, I went by mamachef. I’m so happy to see a lot of familiar names here!! Hoping that this community is as real, and vibrant and fun.


I remember you so well from CH, so glad you made it here to be one of the 'hos!


Me too!! It’s nice to see a board that looks like “home.” 'Cause beta CH sure doesn’t.

  1. South London
  2. Baking bread. It’s my recent passion thanks to the Great British Bake off
  3. The first time I went to Brittany, a friend who knew the area well said “it’s a good job you’re cycling, to work all the great food off”. He wasn’t wrong, great seafood, crepes, pastries, biscuits, cider…yum.
  4. Some of my happiest memories involve cooking with my mum and grandmother. I always spend Christmas Eve afternoon cooking with the carol concert from Kings on the radio, as always used to.

Any story or memory of cooking with grandparents always makes me smile. I too learned to cook from my grandmother who lived with us, so many of my earliest memories of being around her apron strings just trying to help in some way.


Mama! I was wondering if that was you! I’ve missed you!!! Last I heard, you were going through some tough times. . . . Hope all is well now.


Life is gooood, lady!! Made some really necessary changes. I’m content. How are you?


Livin’ the dream :smiley:

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:kissing: mamachef!
I have wondered how you were doing, and hoping you were finding your place. Contentment is good. :smile:


Sunshiiiiine!! This is like old home week. So so good to see people again!!


Gio!! Hi hi hi!!!

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Where are you?
Right now? Italy

What food-related topic are you most passionate about, that you want people to ask you about and you can’t stop talking about it?
Don’t care if anybody asks me about it, but most passionate about eating local, admittedly easier to do in Italy than just about any place else in the 1st world

What’s a great food experience you have had?
Tasting new olive oil right where I live.

A little tidbit about you
I’m not on Facebook


Marci!!! HiYa kiddo. So happy to see you here! It’s a great group of old and new cyber friends. Tool around the campus and peek into every corner. I know you’ll enjoy it.


1: Central New Jersey.
2: Pretty much all foods but I’m especially fond of West Indian and SE Asian cuisine.
3: A food crawl through Lisbon.
4: Culinary school grad {ICE},frustrated cook {not enough hours in the day} disgraced and banned Chowhounder .


3 posts were split to a new topic: Central Jersey recs