Kitchen Towels


I’d like input on your favorite kitchen towel and how you use them.

I use a herringbone side towel ( Webstaurant) and flour sack towels (Mary’s Kitchen) for a variety of purposes.

If you have what you feel is a perfect towel would you please describe it, explain why you like it, and provide its name?


I have found that for me, these Williams Sonoma towels work very well. They dry the dishes nicely. When I wash them, they don’t shrink. They wick up a lot of water, and clean up very nicely. Two also fit nicely on my towel rack.>%20Kitchen%20Towels&region_id=669950&cm_ite=9909786&gclid=CjwKCAjwhMmEBhBwEiwAXwFoEdDffWoSHnM-Sdn3PX6i_eQ1xGm4T8-004pvltpQ80x4bqulaSiFZRoCE9gQAvD_BwE


Thank you! How are they in picking up hot things?

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As long as they are dry, they are terrific. I have given myself steam burns on occasion!

I give it a couple of folds, and it works well.


Wow too funny but I second this as well. Williams’ Sonoma towers are my go to as well. They are super durable and excellent kitchen towels.


This is a useful thread that I’ll watch with interest.

My favorite kitchen towels have been cotton ones made by a Portuguese company, but I can’t find them in the US. The towel pictured below is one that has been washed countless times and keeps on keeping on. Let’s just say if this towel were a person it would be attending high school by now.

ETA: The logo isn’t out of focus and it’s not your eyes either. Faded from washing.


It definitly has a beloved place in your kitchen! It certainly has served you well!