Japanese Basque Cheesecake

So during pandemic and hearing about BASUKU, I decided to try to make some. They were quite good.

I even did some blind taste testing with people with a real BASUKU cheesecake and mine ‘won’ about 80% of the time (which is to say if anyone wants a small cheesecake for $40, hit me up!)

They are really good though. Even my gf’s dad liked it.

BASUKU: https://www.sfchronicle.com/food/article/Bay-Area-cheesecake-Basuku-finds-a-cult-following-15445909.php


Congratulation. The on-going price for the American Basuku Cheesecake is not cheap.
1 Original BASUKU Cheesecake - $115
2 Original BASUKU Cheesecakes - $180

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WOW is all I can say.

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Don’t understand why so expensive. Looks like quite simple and I’ve made cheesecake.

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Holy… I’m in the wrong business lol.

Damn, well then, if anyone wants a $100 cheesecake, hit me up!


Price in Canada. Not exactly the same thing, but with the price difference, why not?!


In fairness of the price (a little), I did use the most expensive dairy (cause high fat and they’re just the best — Alexandre) and also cream cheese wasn’t/isn’t too cheap anymore for whatever reason.

Also, 3 of my friends tried to make it after me giving them one and all failed fairly miserably.

That’s to say, it’s not worth $110 but it’s also not as easy and banging some cheap ingredients in the oven.

Here’s a video with some explanation of Basque cheesecake, and tips. I have no idea if/how this recipe differs from the Japanese take on this style.

Ha ha ha.

Home | BASUKU Cheesecakes

I guess the prices include shipping… so…

Ya, I did a lot of research in making mine to mimic BASUKU. The Basque recipes you find definitely aren’t the same thing.

That actually reminds me how we went to my birthday dinner (right around the time I was making these a lot) at a restaurant with a chef with a resume including a Michelin star or two. I don’t think he does dessert but just to set the ambition level. Anyways, they had a Basque cheesecake on the menu so we got it. One bite at the same time, and my gf and me both looked at each other shaking our head, “nope.” The ones I was making were miles better.

I think … maybe it is a difference of good vs very good.
I mean. There are $1 burgers and there are $100 burgers

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OK, that’s the price that includes shipping.
The price normal is $38 for a cake. That sounds more reasonable.



Possible to share your recipe? :yum:

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Yeah. Yeah. Effectively, you are still paying for $100 for cake though – because of overnight shipping probably with cold packs?

Cakes are delicate to travel. Usually, they don’t travel.

Where do you live? Can you buy Basque cake in your area? I do not think I have ever tried it.

Paris outskirt.
Not in every pastry shop. I guess they are more popular in the Basque area.

I’ve eaten basque cheesecake, made once or twice. They were very good but I can’t say phenomenon. Here, Parisian flan is hotter, for the similar type of comfort food.

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Thanks for asking because I just spent 10 minutes looking for it — I’m usually really good with keeping recipes — and can’t find it… My only thought is that it was during the pandemic and I was keeping a journal of sorts (I don’t usually) since it seemed like it would be quite the momentous experience. But that’s on my old computer. Quite annoyed right now! lol

I do know that I started with a recipe something like https://matchaandtofu.com/easy-basque-burnt-cheesecake-gluten-free/ combined with what I read about BASUKU’s online, and then refined on based on results. You can tell mine ended up looking a bit different than that link and closer to BASUKU’s.

I also do know I didn’t add flour. And that the high fat (40%), very quality cream was key (I think this was the issue with my friend’s poor attempts). You living in France you should be fine with finding that though. And different cream cheeses resulted in vastly different results. Philadelphia ended up the best, even over some more high-end products.

I’ll reply back when I dust off that computer and see if it’s on there.

ETA: oh, and I think the pan matters of course and these are the ones I used for best results (I actually did research on this from photos in the articles… hey it was pandemic and we were sitting at home all day every day): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V985ZDT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title

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Thanks a lot!! I’m traveling now, the ingrédients I can find them, but not the moule, I have a similar at home (just taller). Probably test it out when I’m back home. Cheese and cream is easy to find here, even Philadelphia.

We’re you ever able to find the recipe? I was basing my recipe on that exact recipe you linked above, and Alexandre cream with Philly cream cheese, but the 8" version of that spring pan. However, I was never able to get the middle so moist - I also put the ingredients through a fine mesh strainer.