Is there a cutting board with a spout in the groove?

I have a great Boos cutting board that has a groove on one side but pouring juices from it is always a mess. Are there boards with grooves where the groove is deeper and there’s a spout of sorts at one corner?

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Since the job of the trench is to capture juices, I would think such a design would need a fairly thick board so that the bottom of the spout trench would still be higher than the typical level of juices in the main trench. I would ask a board maker like Boardsmith if they would make one. If I need to drain juice and want to avoid mess, I tilt the corner of the board towards something pretty wide, like a roasting pan or a bowl. Yeah, it usually means an extra item to clean, but it beats steak juice dribbling over the counter and down the fronts of the cabinets! Keep us posted as to what you find!

As a side note, I recently got a board from WS, and today I got an email asking for a review. It requires you to click that you agree to their terms and conditions. So I read the terms and conditions. No way I’d agree. So no review for them. I may post the review here as the board has some issues.


Those T & Cs! Almost nobody reads them, of course…but click they do, regardless. Gotcha!!


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Wow… $246!

While it is another thing to wash, I think I’d be happier with something like this as it seems more versatile:

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I wasn’t price searching – I knew I had seen a Boos board exactly as OP described, so I just looked for it


That Boos board is like the one I have. No ‘spout’. The Napoleon Pro ScottinPollock linked to might work for what I need. Wasn’t thinking of just a hole in the groove, but that might be the only thing out there.

Yet infinitely messier…

I might go for something like this, and add a little pouring notch at the well.

I have a little plastic one that I got for $15 off of Amazon but I also noticed this wooden 24x18 one with a spout for $40. Bamboo so quality is suspect, but $40 is better than $240 in some ways.

This is the cheap one I bought.


We use that same style cheap plastic cutting board too. Lightweight but durable, easy to handle and liquid pours right off.

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Seems as if I may not have explained well enough that I’m looking for a way to trap the juices to add them to whatever gravy or sauce I’m making or to pour on to the sliced meat once plated. Only that one Napoleon board actually has a way to do that as far as I can see. When I try to pour off any juices, even on my board with a groove, they stream all over the place. Maybe it’s me. :person_shrugging:

If you have a Dremel and a reasonably steady hand, you can cut a channel yourself.

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Since you’re talking meats… note there are a number with a grippy/slotted top over a container to catch all the drippings. Have no idea if this one is any good (but ratings seem ok).


There are others:





My error Midlife! My photo is of the wrong bamboo cutting board. Let me try to get a link to work, if it is for the wrong one again i apologize!

The link looks ugly but it does take me to the bamboo cutting board w an integrated spout.
But i cannot find the larger board now, just the small one. Not my best day for sharing info. Sorry.

Thank you. That’s a great price for something that looks like it will do what I want.

Thanks to all as well. That Boos board with the drip tray is also perfect but costs more than the Boos board I already have. :woozy_face:

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a woodworking / cabinet shop could easily cut a pour spout in an existing tray - would cost a lot less that a new board.

. . . . a workworking friend would be even less expensive . . .


I would just drill a ~5mm hole at a slight downward angle that starts the bottom of the trench in a corner. Keep it plugged with a bit of rubber or foam until I wanted to drain. Narrow bottle/straw brush to ensure it gets cleaned well after each use.

That way, you don’t even have to tilt to drain.

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Thank you for going back to that pic. Most of the pictures don’t show the groove while some do. Not great ad editing by Boos.


Some negative thoughts about bamboo cutting boards:

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