Interesting use of sage?

That’s a nice bouquet!


Fancy cakes with pearls and elaborate decorations don’t appeal to me. But that specific cake, I would eat it all. I will have to rethink my views on “special occasion” cakes.

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What a beautiful cake! The deep colors and the textures draw me in and I want a piece.

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We like this pasta recipe from a friend:

I also use it to flavor chicken broth, pot pie, and fry for brown-butter gnocchi.

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Deep fried recently, they were very good and crispy and in an interesting way, the sage intense flavour became much more mild. Recommended to add a few leaves as a finishing touch for dishes.


Saltimbocca is my favourite use of sage other than stuffing.


Rachael Ray made this on her show today. Looks good although I think 20 sage leaves might be pushing it a bit.

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Sage compound butter for popovers.
And I just read thru this recipe after my wife sent me the link…