Ideas for marrowfat peas

My neighbor just gave me a bag of dried marrowfat peas to try. New to me. Has anybody prepared these before and do you have a favorite recipe?

Recipes for mushy peas are the most prominent results upon a quick search. Not sure mushy peas would be my first choice though I’m keeping an open mind. Maybe I ought to dig deeper for Dutch recipes as these were purchased through a Dutch specialty food supplier.

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Dried marrowfat peas can be used in recipes that call for most other beans. LIke chilis and soups, salads, or add to mashed potatoes.

Most common Dutch recipe is a chili-like dish with smoked sausage and Speck/smoked bacon.

Fresh peas are needed for “mushy peas”. The drying process turns tem brown and hard. Almost nobody buys fresh kind here, very dear and season is very short.

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Mushy peas - the traditional accompaniment to fish & chips in many, if not all, parts of the UK. .

I’ve never cooked with dried ones or, indeed, ever seen them in something other than mushy peas.

But how about using them to make an Asian daal or chole?


You are right @tomatotomato - if you search with the word Dutch added, it pulls up a few recipes, including a reference to an Indian recipe. Also, as far as I can tell, they’re grown and used in the American South, and are referred to as dried field peas. They came via Africa originally, so that may help steer you. It sounds like they could be substituted for black eyed peas too. Have fun experimenting!

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I thought the stew-like dish was most popular but apparently this one is more:

FYI: like how the Germans hate it when proper diacritical marks are ignored, the Dutch don’t like it when the letter “y” is used in place of digraph “ij” (as in the word “Kapucijners”). In Afrikaans they eliminate it completely. Makes your head spin when you read Afrikaans.




I would definitely do some research on Dutch Recipes.

We have an Italian friend who is a Chef in Amsterdam many many years. I am going to ask him.

I am writing this down.

These have nothing to do with “British Mushy Peas” (peas in a pod or sweet peas as we call them, giusantes) …

Have a nice weekend.

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Definitely would go with a Spanish Version which includes:

Sausage (pork or vegetarian depending on your dietary regime)
onion or shallot or leek or all three
garlic sliced very finally
Morcilla de Burgos (blood sausage)
A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
Salt and Freshly ground black pepper to taste
fresh parsley
a hint of thyme and oregano
And beef stock from scratch or purchased beef broth

Saute the veggies in Evoo and drain off the Evoo. Add to the pot of bean peas.

And definitely soak the bean - peas in water (no salt) for approx. 2 to 3 hours to tenderise …

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Prima - whilst you could, of course, use marrowfats for the pea and ham soup, the traditional route would be to use split peas - you get a better gloopy rib-sticking texture. Which is just what you want after a 12 hour shift at the cotton mill.

The cheese and pea croquettes will be good. Simon Rimmer often has a croquette on the menu at his vegetarian restaurant (just a few minutes drive for me). It’s a variation on the tradiitonal Glamorgan sausage.


My only exposure to marrowfats have been mushy peas at chippies when visiting the UK.

I’ve tried cooking different peas and legumes this past year.

We end up going back to our household’s favourites: black bean chili (I’m not a fan of chili)
, refried pintos/black beans, baked (navy/white) beans, gigantes with tomato, and green lentils (curried or Greek).

I guess one could refry cooked marrowfat peas.

I do want to make a Glamorgan sausage. I only have tried it once in the UK.

Make sure you get a well flavoured cheese. Traditionally, it’s made with Caerphilly which is quite mild so you can end up with something quite disappointing. I like them with a nicely flavoured tomato sauce but I think a tomato salasa would work (even if not at all traditional). Mwynhewch eich bwyd.

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A bounty of ideas for using my dried marrowfat peas, thanks to @Presunto, @Harters, @Phoenikia, @Barca, and @Lambchop.

The neighbor who gave them to me said that when she was growing up in the Netherlands, her mother would serve cooked marrowfat peas with pieces of fried bacon and lettuce on top, with some of the rendered, hot bacon grease drizzled over the dish.

For my first try, I’ll probably do a prep similar to the version that @Barca describes. I am also super, super intrigued by the Maltese samosa-like recipe that @Phoenikia researched. So many interesting ideas!

P.S. It’ll be a little while before I get around to cooking these. We took things easy this past weekend because my husband and I each got round one of our vaccine jabs on Friday. Round two at the end of the month.


Please let me know how the marrowfat peas turn out.

Additionally, how did your vaccines go ?

We have our appointments for Thursday the 15th. We are relieved as it does reduce the dangers of this diabolic virus, and of course makes travelling alot easier in the Schengen countries.


Absolutely, I will report back on my adventure with the marrowfat peas when I get around to cooking them. :grinning:

Round one of our vaccine shots went really well. We each had a sore arm for about a day, which I wasn’t expecting because I barely felt the jab itself. All of our adult friends and family were eligible sooner than us, and they said that we might expect soreness, tiredness, or a headache so it would be wise to plan to take things easy afterward just in case. And on an emotional level, we felt very relieved to start the vaccination process.

@Barca, I am very glad to hear it’s your turn soon! I spoke to two of my female friends this weekend (Italy, Ireland) and I’m starting to hear that some of their family members have vaccine appointments this week. So it’s happy news that vaccines are reaching friends in other countries.


Thank you very much for your feedback on the vaccines.

Yes, I am glad that the programme for vaccines is re-activated as their had been a shortage due to production and also, a few issues with 2 of the vaccines (The Janssen and The AstroZeneca). So, it slowed down the progress.

The Astro Zeneca was tested in each of the E.U. countries and they had found it was suitable for people in their 60s … The Janssen, seems to have been problematic and removed from the list of groups to be vaccinated and to be further tested. I missed the T.V. broadcast however, my parents had phoned to tell me.

Glad to hear all was positive for you and your husband.

Have a lovely evening.