I Suppose It Had to Happen...

Beautiful, classic pan. Maybe Hamann should start making “Packard” automobiles!

I have been collecting copper since the late 1960s. I stayed at friends’ house in Berkeley and was stunned by their copper, tin, and Pillivuyt, along with cases of Ridge, BV, and Heitz everywhere. I was hooked when I was allowed to cook in that little kitchen.


This is a good time to buy. The euro just dropped to $1.07.

If you are in the USA, the Navarini website lets you select dollars or euros. The euro pricing was much better when we bought a rectangular roasting pan from them last year.

Mazzetti sells on Amazon, prices in dollars, shipping included. However, we found that the prices in euros on their Italian website were better - even paying for shipping. Also, when they ship out of the EU, they deduct 20% for the VAT.

Happy shopping!

Thanks for that information. I didn’t know about the 20%. Time for me to look into it again.