I hate my new Cuisinart handmixer

Anyone else have strong feelings against the Cuisinart Power Plus 5 speed hand mixer? I replaced my Kitchen Aid which I loved, because it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. Bad move. It is so powerful that on lowest speed everything flies out of the bowl making anything but end stage mixing nearly impossible. I’m an experienced baker with lots of years of mixing under my belt and I cannot imagine this mixer being functional for anyone. Must replace because it’s killing my happy baking mojo!

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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I can’t speak to the Cuisinart model you reference, but when I replaced my own mixer about 9 months ago, I went with this Breville model. I use it almost exclusively for baking, and have been very, very pleased with it.

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That one has many top reviews and recommendations on sites I’ve checked. Thanks so much for your help.

There are an awful lot of reviews upset about the rubber coated beaters peeling into your food. They are on the site @MunchkinRedux linked to.

I’ve had pretty good luck with Wirecutter recommendations, although note they also recommend the Cuisinart model to which OP refers.

I haven’t had any issues with the Breville rubber coated peelers, but use them far less frequently than I do the whip beaters.

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We have an older but similar Cuisinart hand mixer. My wife uses it and then says she wished she had used the KA. I find that anything the hand mixer can do can be done with a wooden spoon and/or a whisk with less fuss, a spoon for heavy batters and a balloon whisk for egg whites in soft, shiny peaks. The flat whisk for most things in between.

It places prominently on lots of sites and I’m absolutely bamboozled by that. Great reviews on Amazon but when I checked the 1 star reviews almost all were because of the same issue…too powerful for early stage mixing, with projectile bits of butter etc flying out and about.
Just replaced with the same KA I bought in 2017.
I appreciate all the thoughts.


LOVE my 7 (not 5) speed Cuisinart hand mixer, but appreciate your comments regarding the 5 speed which I’ll avoid when replacement time comes. The 7 speed lowest 2 are good for initial stir in of flour, speed 3 for creaming butter and sugar, and highest 2 are powerful enough for the last fold-ins of heavy-batter oatmeal raisin cookies.

Although I really enjoy using my Kitchen Aid stand mixer, it is often too big for the small jobs.
I’ve got this old Hamilton Beach hand mixer. I’ve had it for years and have no idea where it came from. The lowest speed is perfect for those small low speed jobs and the high speed is more than fast enough for those whipping type tasks.
So if you are looking for a low cost (hand mixer) replacement, maybe research a Hamilton Beach model.

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Some time ago I bought a 3 qt bowl for my Artisan and I use it for practically everything (most of my jobs are small).

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This sounds silly, but of the handful of reviewers on Amazon who mentioned this issue, one said it was solved by using a larger bowl.

I know it doesn’t stop being annoying, but it would certainly be cheaper than a whole new mixer.

Have you already reached out to Cuisinart? It’s possible there are speed issues with your specific item, they can probably send you another in case that’s it. If only 5-6 people mention this out of all the reviews, it’s possible there are a few dud pieces out there. Or maybe they can swap you into a slower model.

And finally, I have one of these (also in the doesnt-solve-the-annoyance category, but does address stuff flying around):


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That is a good idea, I should look into getting a 3 quart bowl.

Ditto with the H-B hand mixer. Maybe it was on our wedding gift list? If so it’s almost 30 years old. Still works fine, but then we don’t use it all that much. Like Tim (@Vecchiouomo) said, most of the time I just grab a hand whisk. A couple of the daughters (now out of the house) did use it a fair bit for cakes, back when.

Although there was that one time in a rental house in Key Largo humidity where I actually snapped a wire off my whisk trying and trying and failing to make a meringue for my Key Lime Pie. (The meringue in my avatar photo was made during happier, less muggy times)


Boy I feel old…I use a 1960s vintage Sunbeam hand mixer on the rare occasions I don’t use the Ankarsrum.

I had one once years ago - it would shock me if t touched the body!!