How even does carbon steel pans sear and is it important at all when searing ?

So beautiful! :slight_smile: Let me take a pic of mine tomorrow (I’ll even polish it for you! :innocent: :crazy_face:)

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I’ll look for my other ones. Dear God, polishing silver is not what I’ve done during the pandemic!

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Here it is, Sambonet Baguette. Straight from the dishwasher, and then polished for 30 seconds or so. :blush:


Is that a butter knife? That is how I remember them when I was a kid.
If this is a fish knife, then it just means my mom has been using it wrong.

Great, now I am convinced that my mom has always been using the so called fish knife as a butter knife.

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Wow - your mom is smart! Never thought about it but yes I can actually use it as a butter knife… :slight_smile:

I do have a special butter knife but not from this set… :wink:

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They do resemble the big butter knife (Any silverware set refers to a big butter knife as a “master” butter knife - different from the small butter knifes that go with individual bread and butter plates). Of course, there are also “breakfast knives” which are different from “ luncheon knives” (which are just smaller versions of dinner knives). Ive got to go rummaging through the drawers now … Elaborate Victorian era place settings had more pieces than I have toes and fingers :scream:.


Don’t encourage her. :sweat_smile:

As I search more, I am more confused. Is there a butter knife looks like a fish knife?

The master butter knife stays with the butter dish and is used communally. It’s not part of a place setting.

Here are my Fortessa San Marco fish knife and fork, plus a Sambonet sauce spoon - used if you get a plate full of tasty sauce and you’re too shy to just lick it off the plate.


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and steak knife next to it, with a normal knife on the right…

Here one can see the allure of silver(plated) flatware: the beautiful sparkling in dim lighting.

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The Fortessa San Marco is available in silver plate. I’ve been in a restaurant that used it. It’s lovely. Here’s an individual butter knife on a place stetting. My fish knife and fork is in there, too.


The roundness of the butter knife is pretty much identical in shape to a classic fish knife, so a fish knife can work very well as a butter knife.

I like that they will sit flat without getting food on the table/cloth.

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I’ve given up on tablecloths. Of course, I now have gouges in my glass(!) tabletop from guests dragging the troughs nearer to their seats.

It’s also easy to point the fish knives correctly.

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I heart skirt steak.