Horsemeat, It's what's for dinner

And they’re banning fois gras in California, again. The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.

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I’ve never eaten horse, although I have eaten a donkey ragu in northern Italy. Very tasty, although a little fatty.

Horse is legal in the UK, as many other European countries but it’s very much a niche market.

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I don’t see it flying for a number of reasons…

…as in Europe, horses have been injected with lots of things that are not intended to be in the food chain.

…Americans won’t eat venison. There s no way there’s going to be a big market for horse. Even though horse is legal and morally acceptable in much of Europe, the reality is that demand is falling.

I ate it in Europe at a group function and didn’t know it was horse until after thr meal. I didn’t like it.

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That is just so untrue. This picture is from two weeks ago.


Venison back straps with wild mushrooms.

Perhaps certain Americans won’t eat Venison, but then there are a lot of Americans who don’t believe in the 2d Amendment either. Most of my friends eat what they kill, gladly. Any thoughts @corvette_johnny ?

If I don’t get one myself I have a standing order for a half with a friend of mine who usually gets three.

I love, love, love all game meats, but especially venison. Growing up we had roast venison more often than turkey for Thanksgiving.

If you check the menu, that’s actually what the pilgrims and Wampanoags ate.

And no, I have no qualms about eating Bambi. With the demise of all the Apex predators deer are a pest species.

I have a small herd that use my back lawn and prize roses as a lunch box. If I could figure out how to catch and field dress them without the neighbors getting all feisty I would.

And they would be delishus !

So good.

The best way to describe horse is a red meat with a grass feed flavor and slightly sweet.

Donkey makes the best salamis. Donkey meat salamis actually command a premium in Italy.

They need to get a big producer with connections in the State legislature.

That will never happen in New York/New Jersey thanks to D’Artagan.

Hudson Valley foie gras imo is as good as any in France.

So good.


I wonder if there are any statistics from surveys about how many do.

I recall almost countless posts on Chowhound from Americans who won’t eat lamb because it’s too “gamey” - and, of course, we’re talking there about folk with a particular interest in food. So, I wouldnt be at all surprised if there were many more who won’t eat actual game, because it is genuinely, erm, gamey.

Add in to that discussion, the fact that game is not readily available to many Americans - by way of contrast with, say, the UK, where all I have to do is visit the supermarket to buy a range of game, or the local farmers market to buy locally killed meat - and I suspect the number who regularly eat venison is a tiny percentage of the population.

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Well the beef producers and the USDA have gotten involved in the situation and basically outlawed the sale of horsemeat, venison and other alternatives, ie it can’t be inspected, it carries too many diseases, etc. American politics is always about the money.

As a result if you want to eat Bambi, you gotta get a gun.

Yes, I know - that’s why I said it’s not readily available.

I also aware that deer are not generally farmed in America, as they are here. Most British supermarket venison comes from farmed animals. Farmers market produce tends to be wild meat.


We do have a lot of horses though.

Do you think McDonalds is behind this?

You know in this regard, I actually like my beef grass fed, because it tastes like, em, beef.

Best steak I ever had was from a Scottish certified grass fed Aberdeen Angus that I got in the food Hall at Harrod’s.

So good.


As I’m sure you know, almost all British beef is grass fed. Even those farms which bring the cattle inside during the winter months usually then fed them on hay (although usually supplemented with grain). By comparision, I tend to find American beef, whilst very tender, to be muted in its flavour - I suspect a combination of how the animals were reared and fed and how long the carcass was hung for. As such, I don’t often order it when we’re on that side of the Atlantic - there’s always something that sounds more interesting on the menu.

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I’ll echo everything that Harters said in my absence.

OF COURSE there are Americans who eat venison (myself included, by the way) – but the wild-eyed shock that inevitably goes across the face of the enormous number of people who’ve heard me say that I eat Bambi tells me that the vast majority not only don’t eat venison, but wouldn’t under any circumstance.

If they won’t eat Bambi they sure aren’t going to sit down to Flicka or Mr. Ed.

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Horse is OK but I would rather eat kangaroo. Most Australians don’t want to eat kangaroo meat and here it’s an exotic treat.

Had my first zebra steak last week. Not as tender as horse steak. Cook it sous vide would fix that.

We enjoy horse sashimi when we are in Japan. As mentioned, horsemeat has a sweet taste that is nice on the palate.

Have not had kangaroo or zebra yet. A matter of time.

Japanese Surf n’ Turf. Horse and whale sashimi. The horse was great, washed down with a cold mug of Asahi and some cold sake. The whale was a bit fishy, but interesting to try.

Whale plate on top, half eaten horse on bottom.

Simple, but interesting and fun items on the menu.

Pictures for those who can’t read Japanese script or English.

Horsemeat, yes. But venison and other game you can buy at quite a number of butcher shops in NYC. I also see venison, elk, and bison burgers and sausages even at supermarkets like Key Food - but not steaks or roasts or stew meat or anything along that line.

I don’t really know what kind of a market there is for game in the US as a whole. The rural (Finn) side of my family hunts and eats game and some raise it. One of my aunts has been raising bison since the 70’s when the government was trying to re-establish the population and one of my cousins has started raising elk.

By the way the links at the bottom of the Dallas News page sure go to some really alarming (and stomach-turning) true crime stories - the guy who “raped a girl for half her life” now doing life without parole, the woman who made her stepsons “lick feces-encrusted toilets and force them to vomit up stolen food” gets 45 years - I suppose because the horsemeat story is part of the law and crime news?



Prompted me to look back over my notes from the last trip to see what did actually form the dinner protein:-

Seafood - 7
Pork - 4
Chicken - 3
Beef (not steak) - 2
Beef (steak) - 1
Duck - 1

Anybody have any good recipes?