It took us a while to get to this project, but here it is. Yay!
it really does “enable” one to broil “properly”
How is that used to make pizza?
It’s more about the broiler element in general than pizza. In certain ovens (such as mine), the broiler element kicks out if 1) door is closed, and internal temp gets too high, or if 2) oven door is cracked open to lower the internal temp. The situation doesn’t make for very good broiling because you can’t get the thing to run constantly in any case.
This little magnetized do-hickey allows you to leave the door open a crack to vent the oven, at the same time (to loosely quote Tom @HappyOnion) keeping the oven door switch depressed … so the broiler element stays on constantly.
Original post is here.
Bbq chicken pizza. Made with Roberta’s dough, once I went out to buy the 00. I was very pleased I was able to make it noom-y, by making the dough thinner (probably ended up with a 12" circle) and using a scant 40g of cheese. Also on there is bbq sauce, grilled chicky, onions, and pickled jalapeno. Cut into 8 slices, 3 for me, 5 for him, only about 350 cal my portion. Woot! The carbs are what I miss most, so any type of way I can fit some in to my daily allotment is a win! Cooked 8 min on a preheated stone at 500 (preheated the oven by roasting some sweet potatoes. waste not want not!)