Homemade Ice Cream and Ice Pops

Serious Eats Strawberry Popsicle.

The last time I made these, I felt the flavor of the cooked strawberry jam overwhelmed the brightness of the fresh strawberries. I also thought they were a little jammy in texture. This time I cut the strawberry jam back from 6 tablespoons to 2, which seems just about right for our tastes.


wow, what a color!

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So do a lot of ice cream recipes with a lot less sugar. The amount Stella calls for is unnecessary to keep ice cream soft. It is quite excessive in this recipe. I already said that even cutting the sugar the ice cream was both grossly sweet and very soft.
I also ultimately don’t mind pulling ice cream out for a few minutes to let it soften if need be vs making an ice cream that is inedibly sweet to keep it scoopable.

Interesting - I had assumed the corn syrup was to prevent this.

(I have had fior di latte gelato on my list of things to make, seemingly forever now)

It helps with body and density and can help keep ice cream soft, but because gelato is churned in machines different from American ice cream, is kept frozen at different (warmer) temperatures than a home freezer, and typically includes stabilizers that are for professional use, homemade is not going to stay as soft as what you’d get in a shop.

Put up three more recipes’ worth of sweetened, reduced black raspberry purée tonight from the berries I picked yesterday. These will go into the freezer.

I still have several cups of berries, plus the two quarts of red I also picked….Oy. But that’s a problem for tomorrow :slight_smile:


Looks lovely, but…but…can you put pint jars in the freezer???

I know the half and quarter pint jars are OK. For some reason, I always thought the pint jars were a no-go? This would be a game-changer for me if do-able.

I put them in the freezer all the time!

Holy smokes. I’m so on-board! :grinning:

You can buy special Ball jars, pint size, that are freezer safe, I like the wide mouth ones.


Both Ball and Mason do specifically say not to freeze jars with shoulders, only straight-sided or tapered jars, however, because expansion can shatter shouldered jars. The ones in mig’s photo are probably not filled high enough for it to be an issue. I use the plastic lidd when I put canning jars in the freezer, as well as open jam jars in the fridge.


That’s right, I use the straight-sided ones if the jar is full. If it’s not, though, I don’t worry.



Tonight’s task: make a couple recipes’ worth of the “brambleberry sauce” for my brambleberry crisp ice cream. Using the red and black raspberries I picked the other day.


Finally got around to making David Lebovitz’s Strawberry Sour Cream ice cream today and it deserves all of the raves that it gets. WOW!


David Lebovitz’s sour cherry frozen yogurt from The Perfect Scoop.

Basically you cook down some cherries and sugar for a few minutes, and, once cooled, run through a blender with yogurt adding a few drops of almond extract. As I had 2-3 T. of cream left in a container, I whisked that in, too. He calls for processing “until smooth” - I left a lot of chunks this time, which didn’t hurt it.


what do you think of the flavor?

a couple summers ago, i made sour cherry (ice cream/yogurt) and i was pretty disappointed in it. it was somehow… kind of wan?

I think the cherry comes through nicely, although probably agree with you that it doesn’t hit you over the head. I did add a few drops of almond extract. Maybe a dash of lemon juice?

I’m probably not very discerning when it comes to frozen treats. If it’s cold, fruity, refreshing and not full of additives, I’m usually good with it. :yum:


Claudia Fleming’s sour cherry sorbet is a favorite of mine.


I found a link to a tweaked version of that recipe here. I’ve made a note to try it in the future - thanks!


Blueberry ice cream from RLB’s Ice Cream Bliss. The book was brought to my attention by @Mig - with thanks!

I chose this recipe because a) we’re swimming in blueberries right now, and b) it’s Philadelphia-style, which I always appreciate for the simplicity of prep. I value RLB’s fastidiousness in all her recipes, and this one was no exception. It required a few extra steps and dishes than the most basic Philly, but so worth it.

The ice cream hasn’t fully set-up yet, but I couldn’t resist a taste right after taking the photo. Good stuff – I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s assessment. I might decide I want a tad more tang, and thus for the next batch I’m considering a teaspoon of either Cointreau or limoncello (or possibly just an additional dash of lemon juice).