Homemade Ice Cream and Ice Pops

Also, I’m going to make ice cream sandwiches with some of it. Possibly using the ginger spice cookies, although I’m worried they’ll be too hard when frozen. I could also use the brown butter ricotta cookies. They’re much thinner.


Oh that sounds so delicious! The brown butter cookies should have a great texture frozen, though I’d definitely want to go for the gingerbread pairing.


I predict I’ll try both :slight_smile:

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Apologies for the cross-posting, but here’s my Georgia Wildflower Honey Ice Cream with a soft and chewy ginger spice cookie.

honey ice cream ginger cookie

The honey ice cream is fantastic. Thanks so much to @Shellybean for the pointer to this recipe! Couldn’t be easier.

Because honey intensity varies so much, you have to start with the smallest amount of honey (in this case, 1/3 cup) , then titrate up if you want it to come across more strongly. I ended up adding another 2 tsp of the honey, and also increased the sea salt a tiny bit. It’s much softer than sugar-based ice creams. A definite keeper! And thanks for the suggestions to pair it with ginger. I had it with both this cookie as well as some gingerbread cake, and it’s a dream pairing.


I’m so glad you liked it! It looks fantastic and that cookie with it looks and sounds perfect. Makes me want to do it if I ever get my ice cream maker from my brother in NYC.

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And the frosting on the cake . . . served in depression glass. Perfect!

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Yes. These were my gateway Depression glass pieces; mom snagged them at the church rummage sale for me before I even knew what Depression glass was.

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Not homemade, but tonight I visited my favorite ice cream shop in NYC, Malai. I took a photo of my order but it didn’t turn out that well, so here’s a photo of their to-go freezer instead :slight_smile:

They had some new-to-me flavors, but after tasting a bunch of things, I couldn’t resist going back to one of their classics: orange fennel. So incredibly good.

Going back tomorrow for another taste :wink:

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OMG, Orange Fennel! I want some. Now.

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Tonight I opened a container of peach ice cream (yes, that peach ice cream) that I made in… probably September? It was an experiment to see how homemade ice cream would fare after long storage. I’ve never kept homemade longer than a very few weeks.

I store it in Tupperware with a layer of parchment pressed directly on top, cut to cover completely. That’s to keep the ice crystals off the ice cream.

It definitely tasted different. I can’t find the words to quantify the difference, but the peach flavor (not surprisingly, I guess) didn’t taste as fresh. I want to use the word “oxidized” but I’m not sure that is exactly right.

Anyway, I just had a small bowl; I’ll have to make the sacrifice of eating more of it and will be sure to report back :slight_smile:

Have you kept homemade ice cream for several months in the freezer? What was your experience?

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Yes, all the time.

I have one of these BALCI containers that I use to store homemade gelato.


Would you mind sharing the recipe, please.

I’m also looking for a recipe for chestnut ice cream; I love anything chestnut. I had a really nice one at the Jean Talon market in Montreal many years ago.

I’ve not made ice cream often as my freezer is usually too full to hold the container you have to freeze.

Mom requested two kinds of ice cream for an event this week. I knew I wanted to make David Lebovitz’s chocolate sorbet but I didn’t have time for the other recipe, my beloved homemade version of Jeni’s brambleberry crisp.

A quick trip to the freezer revealed that, last summer, I painstakenly prepared and froze the exact quantity of fresh, local strawberry and sugar puree needed for my favorite strawberry ice cream recipe. I had even labelled it precisely, a rarity indeed. All I needed was a quick trip out for half+half, and the base was ready and chilling.

Thank you, June 2022 Mig. I appreciate you.


By chance, the Serious Eats strawberry ice cream recipe?

I have yet to live up to my own challenge to make a side-by-side comparison of the SE recipe with Lebovitz’s strawberry sour cream ice cream. Maybe this year will be the year…

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Fany Gerson has an Horchata paleta recipe but I haven’t tried it yet. You have to strain it twice.

SE version is better.

Lebovitz’s use of heavy cream mutes the brightness and acidity of fresh strawberries, which is why he uses sour cream to compensate for that.

SE tastes like strawberries.

Lebovitz feels like a mouthfeel of strawberries and cream

Yes, the SE one. I remember us talking about that challenge - I think I actually did it! Maybe this year I’ll pick two other versions for another round of delicious comparing :slight_smile:

Mission accomplished.


The Saveur Horchata Paletas recipe doesn’t state the yield.

Probably 10???

I decided to make the Horchata Paletas and added ¼ to the ingredients to be able to make 12 paletas for my two Onyx (6 each) molds since the recipe, strangely, didn’t indicate yield. I discovered that I now have enough for over 18 paletas. (Says to add more sugar to taste when you add vanilla … I added a wee bit more.)

I tried to follow the directions: strain into cheesecloth lined FINE MESH strainer. Well, only a trickle of liquid … it would not have gone through in the remainder of my lifetime. Part of the problem was that I only have a regular blender. Recipe didn’t specify Vitamix but I’ll bet that’s what they used. Out went the

cheesecloth and fine mesh, into just regular mesh. Recipe wanted me to strain twice but once was all I was up for.

I guess mine are what you’d call “rustic” not refined. Hopefully, edible. I haven’t tried yet.