He Taught Americans to Cook Indian Food. Now He’s on His Final Chapter.

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Oh, what a pity.
Although I am desi, my family has and loves the 660 Curries book - not a single dud so far. His recipes are reliable and produce great results (ignore the Hindi and Tamil typos in the text - no bearing on measurements and methods).
I wish this talented man a smooth journey and soft landing. He seems surrounded by love, which is the only important thing.


A sad story and I wish him, as @Rasam says, a soft landing.

But, it’s no discredit to him to discuss his career as honestly as possible.

I, too, have is 660 Curries book and I agree that it’s pretty good. I’m more intrigued by his forthcoming On the Curry Trail: Chasing the Flavor That Seduced the World which I’ve pre-ordered. There have been other books that have tracked the global fascination with “curry” and I’m curious how his investigation stacks up.

What I’m beyond curious about, however, is his Betty Crocker book on Indian food. I’ve ordered a “gently used” copy. Stay tuned.


Staying tuned. I’m curious about that book too.


OK, I have my copy. It was produced relatively recently (see dates here), is very glossy, and has recipes identified prominently by English names, with the Indian name in a wavy font and color that almost blends with the background. We have “Spiced Homemade Cheese” in a sturdy, large, blue font with Masala Paneer below it in a wavy light tan font, on a tan page. Along with the recipes there’s a small note, in a sort of gray-on-tan called Raghavan Ki Baaten (@Rasam alert) which will baffle only-English-readers unless they read the Introduction carefully.

Having said that, the recipes seem OK, if run-of-the-mill, and the directions clear – but I’ve only had a quick glance so far.


NPR’s Ari Shapiro has interviewed Raghavan Iyer about his new and final book, “On The Curry Trail.” Parts of their conversation moved me to tears.


Thanks. I’ll track it down.

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Thanks for the link @tomatotomato: I think I would identify his chosen funeral foods as bhel and pav bhaji. (It resonates differently for me right now as we remember my dear sweet dad seemingly every day through what we eat, as a path through the grief, but also a celebration of his lifelong passion.)


So sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad. May your happy memories of him help sustain you through the sadness of the moment and the continuing days. It’s wonderful to be able to connect with him on your shared love of food and bring you some comfort during the days ahead.


So sorry to hear about the loss of your father, @Saregama. You wrote of him (and your other family) with so much love and affection. I hope your family can find some peace at this hard time.

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Oh, @Saregama I am so sorry to hear about your wonderful Dad. Peace and light to you and your loved ones.

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Francis Lam also talked with Iyer at length on episode 772 of The Splendid Table podcast. I have always liked him and am eager to take a look at Curry Trail.


Oh, @Saregama, I am so sorry.

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My condolences, too.

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Thank you all.


Sorry to have to report this, and not unexpected, but still very sad:


I am sorry. This came somewhat sooner than expected (when is that ever not the case?)
His family 's love sustained him it seems, and is his treasured legacy.


No words.

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Sad news indeed. The NYT article includes what I think is a lovely and fitting tribute to Mr. Iyer. Cutting and pasting that snippet here for anyone who has not read the piece. —>

“He was very kind to those of us who are not great cooks,” said the author Amy Tan, who befriended Mr. Iyer at the novelist Scott Turow’s wedding. “He knew if you made this all authentic, quote unquote, I am not going to make it. He was all about love and sharing and being honest and genuine.”


Definitely looking forward to reading this.

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