Forum software update today (friday, 26th) at 9:30pm PT.

We are updating the forum software today (Friday, 26th) at 9:30pm PT. Site will be down for 1.5-2 hours. Please refer to this post for more background:

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The update is cancelled. The pre-update testing didn’t pass so we’ll have to do the update at a future date. Thanks.

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The test passed so we’ll go ahead with the upgrade.

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We were a bit unlucky that the server company’s backup snapshot of our server got corrupted yesterday night as we tried to update our software. The unfortunate side effect is it meant we had to rebuild the server from scratch.

We haven’t done the update yet. But please use the site as usual and let us know if you notice anything odd, because this is a completely new, from-the-ground-up server.


This is a little odd:


Thanks, looks like the software may be regranting some user badges.

note that everyone will have to log in again because its essentially a new instance of the forum.


Not this many, anyway.


At the bottom/finish of each post I would read, there was a line saying how many unread and how many new topics there were. After the update/change, that line now seems to be gone. It was a very convenient feature to have and now I have to click on the onion logo to see those listed at the top. Though this convenience is seemingly minor, I hope that can be restored.

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  • I’m still seeing only the knife & fork below each post/comment
  • unread / latest / new topics no longer show up on the bottom of the page, so one has to hit the onion to get back to the main page

↑This. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one noticing those things and/or misremembering what it was like before the change.

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Just click on this thing in the upper right, next to your avatar


and you don’t have to go back to the main page.


Oooh! Excellent. Muchas.

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Sounds like it was a tough night! Sorry you got glitched. And other than all the badges and needing to find my password (it was right where I left it…), things are working fine for me.

Rest up, and take another run at it all.

:1st_place_medal: :1st_place_medal:


Do you mean this? I still see new / unread topics.

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That will come at least a month or two from now. When it comes it will be announced.


No, it didn’t name the topics it just said how many unread and how many new ones there were and each number had a hyperlink to access the list. However, @small_h posted a perfectly acceptable workaround so I’ve no issue with this feature being gone. I thank both of you for your help with this matter.

Whatever was done in the most recent of updates seems to have resolved the problem as the feature I was referring to has reappeared! It’s a simple feature but I and @linguafood seemed to have appreciated it! Thank you and ALL those involved with this endeavor!


It’s funny. I never even noticed that feature in all my time here. I always used the “bacon strip” (my own technical term) for the icon @small_h referenced.


Which is funny to me because until @small_h pointed that out, I never noticed it! That works, too but when my tired, old eyes need to magnify the screen (which is all too often these days!) that “strip of bacon” disappears into the right margin and I need to return the screen to the “normal” size. But for me, it’s nice to know that there’s more than one way to access what I need!

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