Finally Suspended!!

Garfield 123

…Edited to delete. Didn’t realize this was an old thread.

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i couldn’t believe they spent all that $$$$ and time on a revamp with no upgrade for html.

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Sorry, they’re neither boys nor orange. Guess my CH credentials will remain invalid.

And PM! Imagine . . . we can be trusted to communicate off the board :sunglasses:


I love that feature. Often on CH I wanted to get in touch with another member and couldn’t. I can remember trying to communicate that on a thread before the moderators deleted it as it wasn’t food related. Once we set up fake email accounts to talk to each other!


I have a “social media” email address strictly for that reason, I had it published on my chow profile.

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This thread is like breaking up with a crazy wacked out girlfriend and then stalking her Facebook page.

It’s over