Finally Suspended!!

Not new, but resurrection of old topics used to be rare. We used to get that once awhile. Now, it seems (percentage-wise) more frequent. This was particularly so, a couple weeks ago. A bunch of old and and popular threads got dig up.

I sense the resurrection has been going on for some months. Some of them really obscure. The resurrector has always seemed to be a new poster. On two or three occasions, I’ve asked the OP what they were searching for that found the thread - and was it a Google or site search. On each occasion, my post has been quikcly deleted - which prompts the conspiracy theorist in me to think “AH-HA!!”


Hi, Harters:

Maybe the fake Amazon and Yelp reviewers are on the payroll?

My bet is on them being mostly newbs, who don’t see anywhere else to go but down into the library stacks for help. I think they miss the point that CH used to be a living, breathing thing…


I’d have to tell you that the resurrection of old topics has been going on there, in significant numbers, since the format began showing users ‘other things they might be interested in’. That’s been years. Googling has always added to it. The debate over old posts’ usefulness has gone on all that time. My impression is that if older post numbers seem greater now it may be because new posts are reduced.


One thing I also notice is that there are more new users asking for recommendations in very short generic posts. Trying to drum up activities perhaps?


Maybe… but I still cannot get it wrap around my head. Let’s say only 25% of people create new posts because only 25% of the original people frequent the site. Why then the old posts do not go down by the same percentage? Anyway, you may have a point about the new format encourages/highlights old topics.

Chem, actually I think the new format has lessened the links to older posts directly from the site since almost all the space is filled with ads, photos and Chow-side links. What I meant was that used to be the case until this last change. BUT… all the page links to communities and tag boards seem to have taken users to pages that have a lot of older posts on them. Not really sure why.but it may be that it’s Google links that are doing it.

It may also be that the type of poster who has left was much less likely to pick up on an old topic because they’ve ‘been there, done that’. What I CAN tell you is that the older posts don’t bother me across the board, only the ones that are seriously out of date and that becomes obvious as soon as you begin reading.

No, it does not brother me at all. Unlike most people I was never bother by old posts resurrection and in fact still don’t understand why they do. The only ones which mildly irritated me are the ones with clear expiration dates. For example, the original posters may have written: “I am going to New York in 1 week. Please suggest a few New York pizziera…”. The original post was written 5 years ago, and the original poster clearly does not need the advice anymore. Suddenly, someone didn’t read the post date and responded as if the original post was written yesterday.

I have absolutely problem when people dig up posts which are more timeless, like: How to season a carbon steel pan? or How to make cookies more chewy?

Short posts are definitely easy to write, read and respond to. Reach into the hole and you will likely pull out a CH management weasel. :smiling_imp:

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Any time I look at one of my followed threads, there are 3 or 4 suggested posts at the top of the page, and almost always they are months or years old. This was also an occurrence last revamp, when the suggested posts started appearing in the sidebar. They kind of got a handle on the age of posts then, but now they don’t seem to care.

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Oh, good point. I only go to my site to then go to ST but you’re right. I see those posts and think WTH.


I thought they were the most helpful posts to bring back up. Let me explain why…

It was a big pet peave of mine over there when folks would ask about a particular area they were traveling to and were told that all they needed to do was to essentially get off their ass and research the myriad of threads about the subject. The threads that are years old…yeah, thanks but no thanks…half of those places are closed. At least when someone does what they are told by the helpful folks at ch…they might get from someone who posted 5 yrs later.

You were damned if you do and damned if you dont over there. It wasnt lost on me that as of late every question was a dumb question were deemed worthy of a response after your posting history was researched.

Ah. It works in a double-negative way.


I’m not suggesting anything. People can make their own conclusions or not.

Then I guess I don’t understand your reply to Chem at all.

It’s probably because I’m elderly, an American who’s lived here a long time etc. My husband
doesn’t always understand me either. What I originally meant was that even though there were always outdated posts on CH, I always felt most had been, as suggested, just a misreading of the date, not paying attention etc. Now they seem more prevalent.People can infer whatever they want of that… who knows?

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I was told that recently by a very nasty poster on CH about a post I had just created. I had a legitimate question about a particular restaurant, very expensive, to people who had eaten there about how much it would really cost. She basically told me to do the research. Got very nasty too.

I am sorry to hear. I do remember a lot of time some people ask others people to “stop being lazy and do a search”. To me, Chowhound (or even this site) should be a dynamic forum, not a static one. What I mean is that I thought of Chowhound more like a “service desk” or “classroom” and less like a “library”. Moreover, everyone’s question is slightly different.

That being said, I know people sometime get topic-fragility when they get asked the same question three times in a row in a week, and that they want to direct the same questions into one single thread. This is the case, say a new law got passed – say “New York’s Ban on Large Soft Drink” or “Seattle $15 minimum wage”. People don’t want to see 3+ posts on the same topic and diluting the conversations.

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