Favourite Cooking Magazine

What are your favourite Cooking Magazines?

When I was first married I really enjoyed:

Taste of Home
Quick Cooking

Now, I enjoy:

Better Homes and Gardens
Food Network

Eta: Chatelaine

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I’ve narrowed down my food magazine subscriptions.
In the past I have enjoyed Gourmet (pre-Reichl), Saveur, Food and Wine, Bon Appetit.

French Saveurs, completely different from American Saveur, was also a favorite. At present, I am subscribed only to Cuisine et Vins de France which emphasizes seasonality. I have found that reading a foreign language in a subject you are familiar with is moderately easy, since you are familiar with the words in context (as opposed to my trying to read astro-physics in any language!).

A year ago I was gifted subscriptions to Bon Appetit and Food and Wine, neither of which I will renew.

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It is 2022.
The answer is zero.
Too much free on line to think about print media.


I am feeling the same way about cookbooks. In the time it would take me to peruse just one book from our shelves, I can Google 20 options.


BBC Good Food. We’ve bought it monthly since the first issue in 1987.

That said, it has changed over the years and so have we. And we find that new recipes worth trying are fewer as the years go by. We now find ourselves going back to those cookbooks on the shelves - particularly those we’ve had for a long time and discovering recipes we overlooked in the past or rediscovering old favourites that had stopped being favourites.

That’s for inspiration. If I want a particular recipe for, say, meatloaf, then I find it online.


I have decades of Gourmet magazines, along with olive (UK), delicious. (Australia), and Donna Hay magazines. I have been going through them box by box and tearing out recipes and recycling or donating the magazines. It’s quite sad how few recipes I am saving, when getting these magazines was so important to me for so long. Nowadays I never buy cooking magazines, but pick up the free Food and Drink from the liquor store quarterly, and I do make some things from that.


We don’t subscribe to any magazine or print media, with the exception of The Boston Globe newspaper which is delivered without fail at the end of our driveway early every morning at a breathtaking price. I really miss Ruth Reichl and Gourmet. I do subscribe to read the NYT’s food section. I’m most likely to go to YouTube. I’m partial to Chef John, Babish and Kenji Lopez-Alt. Oh, and Jacques Pépin.


I understand, but that worries me.

I blame myself for the demise of my town’s last bookstore, when I started buying from Amazon 20 years ago. Started with Harry Potter. I can still see the amazing display, and a year later the store was gone!

I feel wretched that I could not support paying for my daughter’s degree in journalism. Fourtunatley she’s doing fine in digital marketing.

We get what we pay for. :disappointed:


I used to blame myself for the downfall of western civilization.
Now, I’m just a spectator in the game of life.
Retirement has benefits, I’ve ascertained.
Too late, as usual, but I’ve got a ringside seat, at least. :slight_smile:


Milk Street in print.Bon Appétit and Cooks Illustrated NYT on line. I also pay for Eat Your Books.

Some of us want free, some of us complain about the lack of quality content.

I’m recently retired, at times seem to work harder than ever, and am impressed with how hard people are willing to work as volunteers. Maybe that fuels the free stuff online.

Does anyone here pay for quality YouTube content? It’s a thing!


I still subscribe to NYT & Milkstreet. When I retire I want to delve more into Chinese & Vietnamese cuisine & thanks to a subset of CH & HO writers I have a few basic books to get me started on both. My other goal is to re-read all my cookbooks & try overlooked recipes (as well as select the handful of books that I think will be lifers.)


I used to love Donna Hay.
Re recycling food magazines, we are on an avenue leading to a Sunday Farmers’ Market. We put out a carton of cookbooks, food magazines, even kitchen tools, and they magically disappear before mid-afternoon. Everybody happy!


Over time, I’ve come to favor Saveur. Is Epicurious considered a magazine?

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Epicurious is online now with Bonne Appétit as digital.

Yet the Epicurious magazine is still available on Amazon so I would still count it.

Eta: to add more magazines.
The Homepage link wasn’t loading on my end.
Removed a link because it wasnt working.

I used to subscribe to half a dozen and when I retired several year ago I started cutting them out. I don’t subscribe to any now. Favorites in the past were Gourmet and Cook’s Illustrated. My parents subscribed to Gourmet for decades and I’d pore over the latest issue and the stacks accumulated ones. When I cleaned out their home, I saved issues of friend’s birth month and year and gifted those. I wrote Gourmet ( You Asked for It) when I was in college for two recipes from my favoriter restaurant and was so pleased when they responded! A Cook’s Illustrated subscription was a gift and I continued the subscription for several years. During the shutdown and still now, I have been gleaning the stacks of books, magazines and photocopied recipes from 38 years of collecting. The free shelf at the library gets my donations. That is where I picked up a good chunk of that collection. LIke the kids say, “If I need a recipe, I’ll look on line”, so no use passing them on to them.


What a thoughtful gift to pass along the
Gourmet Magazine from your parents with the birthdate and year.
I get the looking online and I do that too. For me, there is something special about holding the cookbook, cooking from it and reading through it.

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You’re too funny!

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I don’t pay for it.

Food & Wine
bon Appetit
Wine Spectator
Whisky Advocate

*Digital only, unfortunately