Famous Street Dishes For Winters

Winter is all about having hot and spicy flavors of food to induce heat inside the body and feel refreshing. Can you suggest some street dishes to enjoy in the winter?

We don’t eat in the street in winter, unless it’s a Christmas market. We make soups and stews and roast big pieces of meat and poultry with vegetables and bread to keep warm. We are to be 15 Fahrenheit tomorrow.

I saw on the news that good cheap whiskey helps the homeless on the streets keep warm in winter.

I guess that is a winter street food. I wish the news had more info on what whiskey our homeless doods were drinking as a good recommendation

Which newscast was this?

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Maybe ask some of your “homeless doods” for whisky recommendations.

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Foxx News

I would but if I have a big cheesy grin on my face, they might get pissed - like I’m messing with them and my knife me in the face (like last time). I still got a scar across my eye after getting slashed bc I gave one of them a coupon (instead of cash)

Gosh what a humorless crowd. Wonder why they’re so grumpy… not enough whisky, perhaps?

Like…I think the hobo guy got pissed because it looked like I was going to take money out of my wallet and he got all excited and had his hopes up.

And then it was a f–cking coupon!! and at that point he lost it

Now I have to wear on my face his thoughts about my…“charity”

Like, Red Foxx?

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Late to this thread. WT*??

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Your guess is as good as mine. Probably better.


-8 this AM, grilling out when I get home.

We have Bahn Mi and Taco trucks nearby. They don’t seem to slow down in winter, despite subzero temps.


Bahn Mi are increasingly popular as are tacos de: cabeza, lengua, cachete, etc. Not gonna a get a taco de lengua at Taco Bell any time soon. So, the two trucks kick arse all year. They also provide much-needed cultural diversity.

I was at WalMart one day, and the family in front of my was Latina. Broken English, etc. They get done and the cashier says to me ( I dress pretty rednecky) “You’re in MY country, you should speak MY language!” I said “No se, pero parecen como buena gente a mi!” Then I told his boss. :slight_smile:


There was a dood here complaining to a radio host about two people speaking a foreign language on a bus, so the host asked him what language he would speak to another Canadian on a bus in Bulgaria.

I just don’t get that. One thing that fuels me is helping new arrivals pick up our language. In the upper midwest our English can be a tough hurdle. Right now, the Nicaraguans are coming by me. Got so flippin’ lucky last year. New arrival from Nicaragua shows up. Feeling a little lonely and out of place, but she really liked our school. Month later a nice gal I know who helps such families comes to me and asks if we have any Spanish speakers in our school. I said we have a burgeoning Latinx population. She said she has a kid from Nicaragua, same age as the other girl. I said bring her on! Those two have been inseparable since. They’re English is sounding good, their grades are looking good; getting into sports and theatre. People should quit complaining and start helping.


When I lived in Madrid for 2 winters, decades ago, it was chestnuts being roasted on the street, and purchased wrapped. Madrid is the highest elevation of European capital, and back then there was no central heating in my studio apartment. I purchased a small space heater to warm the bathroom and the tub before I showered; otherwise, the hot water chilled almost instantly. It snowed and sleeted a few times. Many Madrileños/as wore fur coats and everyone complained about the cold.

The chestnuts roasting on the street were so welcome, and so delicious.
Inside, at the street restaurants, the warm bean and meat stews were wonderful.

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In Bangalore for the last couple of decades, a khao gulli (food street) in the V. V. Puram area hosts an annual ‘avarebele’ (hyacinth beans / val beans) festival to showcase the winter harvest of this iconic and versatile bean, and give farmers a direct-to-consumer outlet for their crops. The event took a hit in the pandemic, and this year the venue shifted to the grounds of a local college to allow more people to come.

I went to this in early Jan last year when it was still in V. V. Puram and had a blast (sorry no pix). I also appreciated the more eco friendly practices of many vendors (no plastic, only biodegradable plates, utensils, cups etc.) and lots of hygiene stations (large trash bins, handwashing setups, etc.)

The food was, as almost all desi street food is, was outstanding. I recall sharing dosais, rice dishes, vadais, with family, bought beans to bring home, and ate potato-tornadoes and roller ice cream - non bean novelties. A good time was had by all.

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